
 A person must be beautiful both inside and outside. Harmony - that's what matters. And it is quite difficult to achieve! If a person is unhappy - it was his fault and not the fault of the people around them. Insecure person does not notice all the charm of life. After all, every situation you can go with head held high. "Where did you get it? "- You ask, and I'll just answer:" Check for yourself! »

First of all, let's start with the slogan: "Love herself! "Yes, this way you are. With all the pimples, wrinkles and excess weight, since you're such a ONE! The one and only! (Even the twins at checkout are quite different). But this does not mean that you should not improve ... there is no limit to perfection (and not only in the physical plane!)

What could be worse than waking up in the morning? Probably, only to wake up in the morning after a stormy night ... long suffered, waking up in the morning, I finally realized that it is necessary to wake up with pleasure! After all, as the day you start, so he will continue! And again, in the morning you can make a bunch of useful things, which do not have to come back at the end of the day, and the weekend will remain free. I can imagine what you're thinking - morning and cleaning are incompatible, but no! The more often will lay out things in their places, the less will have to clean up at the weekend! After a weekend designed for recreation and activities you love! Another plus for the figure: how many times bent tightened - a real charge turned out. A sleep - have time in their old age!

Who said you can not sing in the morning? Nonsense! Forget the old wives' signs (because we Generation Next!) - And forward to wake the neighbors! After several months of training - the neighbors would get up before the alarm clock, the voice will be developed for the impact of important instructions plus - in a good mood for the whole day. Consolidate their vivacity. There's nothing like a cold shower in the morning. Firstly, finally wake up, and secondly, it is an ideal means of weight loss, especially if you take it on an empty stomach. Then cooled in cold water for heating the body requires large amounts of energy, and this energy is obtained from the fatty deposits in the stomach because we have no food! So I advise you not to be lazy, but every morning, take a cold shower, which not only helps to get rid of extra pounds, but also elevates mood, increases efficiency. Give myself up to a mirror smiling is a real beauty queen. But time is not rubber - it's time to escape.... Do not forget to have a meal. Optional tiny carrot, and you can favorite sandwiches with sausage. 

Oh, miracle! End of the day! Now you can do everything or almost everything! The main thing - a good mood and self-confidence.

If a person is lit from within, it notes each. Need to believe in yourself and then you will always find a way out of the situation. A lot of money - not the point ... The purity of soul, thought and conscience - it's hard to make ... it is necessary to cultivate. ... And everything else is bound to be, if you really want. ... Here's my recipe for beauty, enclosed in a few sentences, and everything else only small steps to achieve its goal ......... ..

Author: Asya

Tags: harmony