Thus, any improvement starts with nutrition.It is preferable to have a fall? To ensure that you are always healthy and look good, turn in your diet fresh vegetables, fruits, tea rose, wholemeal bread, seafood. Add to food multivitamin and drink mineral water without gas. Give up fast food, alcoholic beverages. A cosmetic techniques to help cleanse the skin and make it blindingly beautiful.
1. Facial
The skin is always in need of purification. Once a week, do steam baths for the face of herbal infusions. After cleansing the face, apply gentle exfoliation and treat skin masks.
Autumn person needs nutrition, hydration of the skin. Then it will be glowing. These masks are suitable for all skin types and support fresh face, eliminate defects and liver spots.
•The mask of curd with soda and oatmeal
Mix 1 teaspoon oatmeal very finely ground, 2 teaspoons of fresh cheese and baking soda on the tip of a knife. Grind all the wooden spoon if dry cottage cheese - add the milk mixture, apply a thick layer on the face, except for the skin around the eyes. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm boiled water.
•The mask of sour cream to nourish and soften the skin
Mix until smooth 1 teaspoon of yogurt, 1 egg yolk, 0, 5 teaspoons of liquid honey and apply on face for 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
•Kalinovaya mask
Fresh crushed leaves of Viburnum put on a greased fat cream skin for 10-15 minutes. The mask has a tonic effect.
•Apple Mask
Apple mask of grated apple provides an excellent moisturizing effect.
1. Grate half an apple, add 1 tablespoon honey, 1 egg yolk, 1 teaspoon of ascorbic acid, 1 teaspoon of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil. Mixture rub well and apply on face for 30 minutes, then rinse with cool water. It is used for dry skin.
2. Gruel chopped grated apple, apply to face and neck, and after 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water. To juice did not spread, add oatmeal. This mask removes excess fat from the skin, nourishes and softens the skin. It is used for oily skin.
•The mask of quince
Quince grate on a fine grater and mix with cream and egg yolk for dry skin and protein - for oily. Keep on the face for 15-20 minutes. Instead, you can use persimmon quince, radish, horseradish and rowan. Mask refreshes, tones and gently whitens the skin.
•Royal beauty secret
And then there are the royal beauty secret. The skin becomes soft and velvety. 30 g of flowers of lavender and rosemary flowers 100g pour alcohol, insist 3 weeks in a dark place, then strain and dilute with cool boiled water in a ratio of 1: 1. This lotion, wipe the skin morning and evening.
2. Eye Care
In autumn it is necessary to strengthen the lashes. This can be used to mix multiple nutritional oils of different kinds of oils, making them different masks. Very effective is such a mixture as vegetable oil and oil solutions of vitamins A and E. Vitamins, these are sold in pharmacies in the form of capsules. No less effectively lubricate the eyelashes castor oil, it stimulates their growth.
To make the skin around your eyes fresh, can be recommended to use a mask. They can be put on the eyelids.
•Eye Mask Pumpkin
2 tablespoons finely chopped pumpkin bring over low heat until smooth in a little water, add 0, 5 teaspoons of honey and mix well. Pumpkin mass apply on gauze, and then on the face.
•Compress herbal infusions
To remove the bags under the eyes, you need to compress the infusion of sage, chamomile or fennel. To do this, 0, 5 teaspoon any herb pour 0, 5 cups of boiling water for 15 minutes and cover with a lid, the infusion of strain. Cool half, second half of the warm up. Two pieces of wool put in a bowl with hot infusion, two - in a bowl of cold, lie down, relax. Alternately imposes on the closed eyelids then cold, then hot compress. After 10 minutes you will feel completely refreshed and relaxed. Put infusion in the refrigerator. It can be used for two days. If the bags under his eyes began to appear frequently, do the same procedure every day for one to two months.
3. Care of the neck and decollete
First of all, for these delicate parts of the body need food that the skin is velvety.
•Delicate orange mask
Take one peeled and finely chopped orange mash it. The resulting slurry was put on the face, neck, chest, shoulders, and cover with gauze. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with boiled water and lubricate the skin cream. This mask refreshes and nourishes the skin.
•Mask with cream
Apply gentle on the skin cream with vitamin A, E.
•Mask with kiwi
Whisk the curd with kiwi. Apply to the skin. Mask perfectly cleanses. After washing off the mask, apply a nourishing cream.
•Paraffin mask
A piece of wax, heat in a water bath (put wax in an enamel pot and put it in boiling water in another bowl). The hot wax with a brush or swab, apply a thick layer on the skin 1, 5-2 cm for 15-20 minutes, carefully remove, otslaivaya edge medical spatula. Before applying make test on temperature. Back of the hand, check the degree of heating the wax, if the skin is suffering hands - can be applied to the neck. Care should be taken so that the wax does not contain water droplets. Therefore dishes in which it is heated, should be dry. You can not apply the wax on a wet and sweaty skin. Paraffin mask is advisable to apply 2-3 times a week at a temperature of 48-50 degrees, the average rate - 10-15 masks. After paraffin mask prohibited for 10-15 minutes to go out, not allowing the skin to cool.
4. Nail Care
Autumn nails become brittle, exfoliate. Help this special delicate care.
•Bath with vegetable oil and lemon
It is useful to do the bath of warm vegetable oil, to which is added a few drops of vitamin A and lemon juice. Do they need to be 1-2 times a week.
•Tray of vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar
Nourish the skin trays from vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar mixed in equal proportions
• Attar
Rose oil moisturizes and heals dry, cracked cuticles, stops the process of delamination of nails. Apply need every day.
•Olive oil
One of the most popular means to care for nails and cuticles is olive oil, which contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. It can be rubbed into the base of the nail and do warm baths with the addition of lemon juice.
It is useful to lubricate the nails with lemon juice, cranberry. Do not forget before leaving the house to wear gloves.
5. Foot Care
Healthier baths help for tired legs:
• Bath with chamomile, lime blossom and honey
Bath of decoction of chamomile, lime flowers and honey not only helps with fatigue and edema: two tablespoons of chamomile and linden blossom pour 1 liter of boiling water and allow to stand for 5 minutes. In 1 liter of warm water pour decoction of chamomile and linden blossom, add a tablespoon of honey, mix well and dip your feet in the prepared tray for 15-20 minutes.
•Bath salt and essential oils
Another good thing to hold the feet in warm water with sea salt and 3-5 drops of one of the oils: lavender, eucalyptus and rosemary. If the legs are swollen as a result of arthritis, bumps on the legs or injury, it is better to do a cold bath.
Useful to wipe his feet a piece of ice. It is better if the ice is made from the infusion of sage leaves and grass, yarrow, taken in equal parts. 1 tablespoon collection pour a glass of boiling water, cool and strain.
6. Hair Care
Autumn is always to strengthen the hair, apply a hydrating mask. They may be prepared independently.
•Rose petals, grape seed oil and vitamin E
Boil 250 ml of rose petals, they add 15 ml of grape seed oil and 10 drops of oil containing vitamin E. All of this mix thoroughly, apply on hair over the entire length, 7 minutes, rinse hair with warm water.
•Heather, nettle and burdock roots
Strong decoction of a mixture of heather, nettle root, and burdock help strengthen hair with hair loss. Just need 3 times a week to wash my hair in the broth until a positive result. Sometimes a mixture of the above plants are added hop cones.
• Brandy, onion juice and burdock root
Mix 10 grams of cognac, 40 g of the filtered juice of onion and 50 grams of decoction of burdock root (prepared in a ratio of 1:10). The resulting mixture rub into the scalp, tying it with a towel, and after 2 hours, rinse your hair. The procedure is repeated daily.
•Honey wrap
Can also be applied to wet hair honey, then wrap your head with a towel and a special cap, creating the effect of "bath." After 20 minutes, rinse your hair with warm water.
7. Body Care
My favorite relaxing procedure - massage. Use essential oils. Take a base, for example, peach, or grape seed oil and mix with essential. Be aware that during the massage and bathing oils slowly absorbed into the skin and enter the blood stream.
The use of fragrance for healing the body - part of the ancient wisdom that we are now rediscovering. Essential oils stimulate activity and maintain our self-confidence, experience also proved their effective relaxing effect, helping to reduce stress and lower blood pressure.
It is said that there are no ugly women, women are lazy. Indeed, after returning from work, have no desire to engage with their appearance. However, you have to gather in a fist all his will and fell down from fatigue, come to my dressing table. If you have not done it before, do it today, tomorrow to feel more charming and attractive.
A new habit - the pursuit of beauty will soon be a decent reward. Be irresistible this golden autumn!