To become stronger and healthier, we exercise regularly, give up the high-calorie food and smoking ... But as a rule, not in a hurry to get rid of some bad habits. These little things at first glance, do not deserve special attention, as it is believed that they could not entail any negative consequences. However, it is good to think!
1. YOU ARE DRIVING talking on a cell phone ...
If you are not afraid nor the numerous prevention of traffic policemen or imposing penalties, you may be impressed statistics. According to a published study "Analysis of accidents and their prevention", drivers using mobile phones while driving, the risk of being involved in a fatal crash increases 9 times.
This happens because of lower concentration and, consequently, making mistakes, sometimes, alas, is fatal. After all, to dial a number or answer a call, you need to escape for a few seconds, also when speaking poorly controlled situation on the road. Telephone calls through special headphones also are not safe.
What to do?
Recommendations are very simple: you should not while driving, talk on the phone trivia. But if you really expecting an important call, you hear a familiar melody Finally, pull over, stop the car and calmly talk.
2. you do not use floss for cleaning teeth ...
Many believe that to maintain oral hygiene is enough brushes. However, experts say that it is not. Only floss helps prevent the development of periodontal disease - a serious gum disease, which can cause respiratory infections, as well as heart attack and stroke.
What to do?
To identify signs of gum disease at an early stage, it is necessary to regularly visit the dentist. Brushing 2 times a day and flossing daily use. Take the ends of the thread, gently slide it between his teeth, and then slide along the front wall of each tooth to the gum itself.
3. You watch TV after 23:00 ...
View the evening television acting very exciting, especially in these turbulent times, when the news literally crammed with information about accidents, explosions and so forth. It does not help to forget about their own problems and feelings, by contrast - exacerbate feelings of anxiety and provide insomnia.
What to do?
Instead of the night watching TV or reading the newspaper, try to relax: take a warm bath, listen to classical music, meditate, read a good book, take a few gentle exercise of yoga course. Help sleep happy memories, fantasies, dreams for the future. So you set yourself to pleasant dreams and, hence, for a successful future.
4. YOU ALWAYS Carrying important THE CASE FOR LATER ...
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today. Otherwise you will have to experience for yourself all the negative effects of stress. After all, those who believe that "better late than early," constitute one-fifth of all sufferers from headaches, sleep disturbances, different diseases on the basis of weak immunity.
Laziness and / or tardiness lead to the fact that at that moment, when life goes out of the rut {ill child broke the computer}, there is no time even to normal duties, and then still have to finish what was not completed yesterday.
What to do?
If you break a large project into parts and schedule, you can every day at least one step closer to the goal. As a suitable motto this statement: "In carrying out most of the planned today, I facilitate their own future."
5. You always drinks decaf ...
Belief in the usefulness of decaffeinated coffee - a dangerous delusion. According to statistics, in women older than 40 years who drink a day for at least 4 cups this drink, rheumatoid arthritis develops in 2 times more likely than those who do not abuse it.
Woman drinks more than 4 cups of decaffeinated coffee per day may get sick after 40 years with arthritis
One of the main reasons for this phenomenon - dishonesty of some manufacturing companies. The fact is that during the extraction of caffeine from the grain can not use chemical solvents - it turned out that they are entering the body contribute to the development of connective tissue diseases.
What to do?
Carefully read the labels on packages paying attention to phrases such as "purified water", "mineral water", "without chemicals." You can give preference to tea, which has healing properties: it protects the body and increase the level of "bad" cholesterol in the blood, and from various forms of cancer.
6. Do you often "forgets" to wash your hands ...
This simple rule of hygiene must be observed not only after visiting the toilet, but on his return from any "crowded" places: a store or establishment. Do you think that it's useless? However, such a simple enough action - one of the easiest ways to prevent various infections.
What to do?
Spending money on expensive antibacterial agents does not make sense because it does not prove that they disinfect the best simple soap. After washing, dry the hands and brush them with cream, but if you have visited the toilets are not at home, and in a public place, dry your hands with a paper towel and apply it in order to close the valve and take the door handle. So you protect yourself from germs left behind by those who neglect this advice.