Yaroslavl: historical sights

Yaroslavl: historical sights
 Pure white, lyrical, tremulous city of Yaroslavl ... hard to believe that this bright architectural poem in the old days was called bearish angle. Here, on the banks of the Volga, Yaroslav the Wise killed the sacred bear the Gentiles. In honor of the prince and named the town, founded in 1010 (not long ago, this is the third largest populated city in the Central Federal District of the state said millennial anniversary).

Yaroslavl is located 282 km from the capital. On the way from Moscow - that coniferous trees, the birch, as partners in the dance at the ball. And the first thing that catches the eye in the Yaloslavle - many old churches (almost like in Uglich). They are very artistically decorated, and each temple - its unique face and character.

In the inner and outer decoration of historic buildings used elegant ceramic tiles (famous folk craft in the Yaroslavl region). Obtained a sort of tiled temples. A large central Church of Elijah the Prophet stands still and solemn lighting.

It is worth visiting the territory Yaroslavl Kremlin with its unique old buildings and new bulk beds. The composition of the architectural ensemble of the Kremlin includes Transfiguration Monastery. It was found "Lay ...". On the premises of the Kremlin - some fascinating exhibits: rare icons, ancient books, gifts of nature ... And in Yaroslavl Kremlin funny restrooms - with stuffed animals, photos and descriptions of unusual toilet "toilet customs" of the world.

Do not leave without attention and the cloister with the miraculous icon and the temple museum (located in the church windows with unique icons and other religious objects).

Yaroslavl stands on two rivers - the Volga and Kotorosl (the name of this tributary of the Volga means "that left", that is to the left of the main river). It is worth to buy a ticket on the boat and ride with the breeze on two rivers, wondering diverse landscape - from the forest to the wildly-modern-urban. Then a nice walk on the "bunk" Volga River and visit the museums.

There are nearly Art Museum metropolitan level - with a very rich artistic collections. Especially eye-catching paintings of famous artists of the 18th - 20th centuries. True, not the fact that you find a job all in their places: they take the matter to the other - temporary - exhibitions in different cities and even countries.

Very unusual museum - "Music and Time". Music boxes and clocks, gramophones and phonographs, bells, loud and noisy like a barrel organ, harmonium, which has nothing to do with harmony, in addition to the similarity of names ... and other things sometimes have quite distantly related to the tunes. Until all you can touch, take pictures with anything - that's the main difference between a positive private galleries and museums from the government! In "Music and Time" held festivals and ceremonial events such as "homutovaniya" for the bride and groom (the idea is that she wears around his neck a bell on a string, as a young man - a collar with bells, and all this - a couple of songs by connecting-spell).

And very nice to just walk down the main street Square, a kind of Yaroslavl Arbat ...

Tags: history, walk, landmark, Yaroslavl