What Dreams May Come: Boracay

What Dreams May Come: Boracay
 Boracay Island - a real jewel of the Philippine archipelago. He is famous for its extraordinary beaches with silky white sand, pristine emerald sea, an abundance of coral, natural caves and incomparable sunsets. Boracay is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful islands in the world. This tiny piece of fertile land in the waters of the Indian Ocean is a mecca for those who love paradise vacation on the beach and active water sports.
 Butterfly Island, often referred to as Boracay for its bizarre shape, really small. Its length is about seven kilometers long - only a kilometer, and the area of ​​a little more than ten "squares". However, this does not prevent him from taking thousands of visitors every year from all over the world. This paradise island became famous in the tourism world recently. It was discovered by tourists savages in the 80s of the last century. Today he is one of the five best places for a beach holiday.

Boracay no historical or cultural attractions. It's all here with a vengeance replace natural beauty. The main advantage of the island is the White Beach - a chetyrehkilometrovoy strip of white and fine like flour, sand, framed by the sea on one side and coconut groves on the other. Along it is a whole chain of hotels - from the most expensive and luxurious to budget and simple.

An evening stroll down the white beach and watching the sunset will be remembered for a long time, especially notorious romance. In addition, there is also a kind of its own tradition - every night the locals build huge castles of white sand, which are then illuminated from within by candles. Nightlife on the island is full. Evenings at the White beach arranged performances with dancing, live music and a fire show.

Shopping enthusiasts will not be bored in Boracay. In the souvenir shops, which are a great many on the island, you can buy products made of shells, wood and pearls, as well as a distinctive kitchen utensils and figurines.

Everywhere on the coast are restaurants, most of them - in the open air and in close proximity to the ocean waves, with a view of the sunset. In some restaurants right in front of visitors serves freshly caught seafood. It should be noted that the prices are quite low.

To the east of the island is a beach Balabog - a paradise for windsurfers. Fans of fun on the water come here from all over the world. Not far from the coast are the cave bats. At night, they fly out of his hiding place to hunt for the fruit. In the daytime you can get closer to the caves and observe their inhabitants, who usually sleep during the day. On the southern edge of the beach Balabog is the so-called dead wood. This place attracts visitors to the island with its mystery. Several decades ago, salty ocean water flooded coastal forest, and he died. Now he fanned a variety of mystical legends. Locals say that the power of dead wood is shown at the full moon.

The highest point of Boracay - Mount Lahore. At the top there is a small cafe where you can always satisfy your hunger and even relax in a hammock. Get to it by bike or on foot. On the island there are no cars. Local residents moved mostly on foot, and tourists carry auto-rickshaw - a bike with a sidecar, which is equipped with a motor.

Boracay can not just quietly bask on the beach, or to immerse your head in the club life in the local noisy discos, but also scuba dive. The island is framed by unique blue coral reefs, which are ideal for diving enthusiasts. Get into this heavenly place is not so easy. Boracay has no airport, so you must first reach the island of Panay, where the next flight from the capital of the Philippines - Manila. Flight time is about an hour. From this island to Boracay can be reached only by boat. Only half an hour and you will be in heaven who never want to leave!

Tags: dream vacation