Unforgettable trip to Israel

Unforgettable trip to Israel
 Israel - the cradle of three religions, the biblical "promised land", the source of many different civilizations and cultures. There tend to millions of tourists who dream to touch history and enjoy the beautiful scenery, see the famous Dead Sea. If you too have decided to go to Israel, a trip will be unforgettable.  
 In this wonderful country everyone can find something that is close to him. Most travelers will want to enjoy authentic biblical landscapes, see the places where Jesus lived and preached, David fought Goliath, the rules of King Solomon.

Of great importance to all believers have the Holy Places, as Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jerusalem. Last - diverse city, sacred to Christians, Muslims, Jews. Treasures of all three religions are carefully preserved there. This famous Wailing Wall, where you can pray and leave a note in the crevices, and the huge stones of the Citadel, and the Holy Sepulcher, where the road ends tribulation Christ, Calvary and gloomy, and towering above the pool Sultan Zion, and the throne of Mohammed. Sacred relics thickly strewn with the entire city.

Travelers surprised very diverse natural landscape of Israel. On the territory of this small country has snow-capped peaks and hot deserts, flowering valleys and clear lakes. There are three seas - the Mediterranean, the Red and the Dead. And everywhere flower beds, gardens, parks, nature reserves - all lovingly created by people on the once barren rocky soil.

Those who want to improve their health, it is necessary to visit the Dead Sea. It is the lowest point on Earth, in the Syrian-African Rift. For its healing properties is considered a unique sea. And offers a huge amount of nutrients, allowing water cures for many diseases and heals the body as a whole. Its density is such that it is impossible to drown. Many vacationers are photographed sitting on the surface of the water with a newspaper in his hands. On the coast operate modern medical centers where patients are in a hurry from around the world. There are the usual hotels with spa, where you can take restorative procedures with mud and minerals.

In Israel, loved and well received guests. Here, well-developed tourist infrastructure, excellent service, friendly people. Therefore, those who came to this country once will certainly want to return.

Tags: of Israel, journey, landmark