Traveling along the Golden Ring

Traveling along the Golden Ring
 To conduct long-awaited vacation can be different, but most people at this time to travel to dispel melancholy and gain new experiences. Someone seeking to Europe or South America, others rush to the warm seas. However, in Russia you can find many wonderful places to relax. Travel agencies offer travel around the Golden Ring of Russia, and one will find it for himself something interesting.

Journey to the Golden Ring of ancient cities called Seen - Sergiyev Posad, Pereslavl, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Ples, Rostov the Great, St. George-Polish, Suzdal and Bogoljubovo. Distinguish a large gold ring, which includes about twenty cities and short tours. Tourists come here to enjoy the ancient architecture, monasteries, cathedrals, ancient gates and of course, the marvelous scenery of our vast country. It should be noted that this tour is very popular among tourists who wish to discover the beauty of Russia.

Travel around the Golden Ring can be different ways. You can go with family or friends by car - then you can dispose of his time alone. The most common - a bus tour. Experienced guides will tell you the history of each monument of architecture, interesting details of his fate. Some monuments were destroyed during the Soviet Union, and then restored.

The special charm of a boat trip. Tour the wonderful scenery, and on hot summer days will appreciate the freshness of the water. Nothing compares to the views of the golden domes at sunset.

Each of the cities included in the Golden Ring of Russia, has its charms. Sergiev Posad Trinity Cathedral can be proud of and Spirit temple, and Rostov - Rostov Kremlin. In Kostroma is famous Ipatiev Monastery. In Suzdal collected wonderful wooden churches. A Golden Gate Vladimirskie known not only in Russia but also far beyond its borders.

Traveling along the Golden Ring enjoyed by children and adults. I would like to mention about the special role of such tours for children. They help develop a child's love of country and pride in their country, its history and spiritual heritage. Modern children, brought up on American cartoons and Japanese computer games, this is not enough.

Traveling along the Golden Ring of Russia can be very comfortable with all points of view. This tour is in great demand by travelers and tourism industry is actively developing in these cities. There you can find everything you need for a good rest - cozy hotels, cafes and restaurants. However, it should be noted that the room is better to book in advance, as in the hot season availability can not be.

Much charm travel around the Golden Ring is that you can visit the city not only in the summer, the weather is good, but in the fall, winter and spring. Each season gives the architectural monuments charm.

Tags: ring, gold, trip, route, point of interest