To Hawaii for vacation

To Hawaii for vacation
 These islands are called the pearl of the Pacific, they are full of flowers and rare plants. Hawaii - the birthplace of surfing, it is also in the 18th century invented resourceful natives. National dress and traditional Hawaiian greeting "aloha" recognize anyone, even on the other side of the planet. Every year millions of tourists come to the Hawaiian Islands, discovered in the 18th century, the brave Captain Cook, who later ate with great honors natives.  

Hawaii like a beautiful dream in which time seems to have stopped. Asleep underwater ancient volcanoes, the top of which are the Hawaiian Islands. The six main islands - Oahu, Kauai, Molokai, Maui, Lanai and Hawaii - are pleased to offer to tourists beautiful beaches with sand for every taste, trendy discos, jungle and swift rivers, coral reefs and modern surfing centers.

Tourists come here for a beach vacation and the beauty of the underwater world that can surprise even the experienced diver. Ancient hardened lava formed a bizarre giant grottoes and caves, endless mazes of tunnels called lava tubes. Here, an incredible amount of coral and over 600 species of tropical fish.

Hawaiians live in pleasure and love delicious dinner. Be sure to try the famous dish "lomilomi". This raw minced salmon with red tomatoes. As the fish do not worry, the water in the coastal waters clean.

Who does not know about the famous Hawaiian floral wreaths have long since become a symbol of the islands? Some Hawaiians are "lei" - so the wreath - in everyday life, and weave it not only from the orchid - the symbol of Hawaii. By the way, about orchids. In other countries, this flower is considered exotic, which is particularly reflected in its value. Hawaii orchids grow like grass, literally underfoot. Hawaiian Islands - the largest producer and exporter of these plants.

Hawaii islands are called the most with smiling - the locals are always smiling and show all their appearance complete satisfaction with their own lives. Maui live many American celebrities, politicians and athletes. This island is sometimes called - the island of flowers and celebrities.

Climate and the natural world hit Hawaii unusual, this you just will not find anywhere else. The islands have long been isolated and hidden from the rest of the world, so nature is preserved here almost in its original form.

Hawaii - Paradise Island, this one does not argue. Having been here at least once, always pulls back again to get into the story, where there are no problems and concerns.

Tags: vacation, hawaii, Hawaii