The Many Faces of Algeria

The Many Faces of Algeria
 Among the wooded slopes, coastal cliffs, lapped by the waves of the Mediterranean Sea, is one of the most beautiful and mysterious African States. Algeria is not only the country, but also the name of the state capital, combining the culture of the Arabs, Africans and Europeans.

Area Algeria more than two thousand square kilometers. A large part of the country is desert. Therefore, the country's population is about 26 million people, prefers to live in the northern regions, where the climate is milder and more greenery. The indigenous population of Algeria - Arabs and Berbers, but after the conquest of Algeria by the French colonialists in 1830, the country has been a growing number of Europeans living there, mostly French, which now has more than 1 million.

Climatic conditions Algeria - a wonderful country in which intricately connected to the desert and mountains, sea and lakes, a variety of woods. But not only this amazing Algeria in this country in the winter in some places even snowing, and in the summer heat reaches 50 degrees.

And the most amazing thing is that only in Algeria, there is a unique natural character of the lake, the water of which resembles ink, and it can even write. Also, only in Algeria relict mushrooms, so-called sandy white truffles - all over the western world appreciate their unusual taste.

But not only the natural wonders of Algeria's interest. For example, the Algerians have a custom - kiss at the meeting, but only an even number of times, mostly 2 or 4. And the Algerians are very fond of children, so if the street is a complete stranger to kiss your baby - do not worry, it's well within the local mores.

Is admired by tourists Notre Dame de Africa, the so-called Notre Dame d'Afrique, which was built as a mirror image of the sea Marseille Cathedral, but the Orthodox churches in Algeria is not.

But only in Algeria lowest cost of gasoline, because even a very poor family, you can have your car. You will certainly be surprised that in the streets of Algeria there are no traffic lights, as there is mainly a circular motion, and the police in cases of extremely rare offenses do not take bribes from motorists, because the state pays decently their work.

If you want to visit Algeria, it is better to do it in the fall, when there is no sweltering heat of summer nothing will stop to enjoy the beauty of this amazing country.

Tags: journey, Africa, Algeria