See Paris and stunned ...

See Paris and stunned ...
 Who does not dream to see Paris? A city that inspires, amazes, which can be both in the past and in the future. City, whose life can affect its luxury and poverty at the same time. But for many of the Paris becomes a mecca that it is necessary to visit at least once in their lives.
 But to get to Paris is not difficult. You only need to issue a visa for France, buy a ticket or to make their own travel and hotel, and have a certain amount of money round, because life in Paris is not cheap. Another very important to choose the season visiting the French capital. Summer in the city is very hot, and in August, the Parisians leave the traditional start. People becomes smaller, but most of the restaurants and cafes are closed for a few weeks. Very comfortable to Paris in May and September, when the main flow of tourists subsided, and no permanent giant queues. But human Soviet training course, not to frighten the fact that lifting the Eiffel Tower must stand an hour or two under the scorching sun. Therefore, when planning your day when walk without a guide or book a tour, consider idle time to line up for entrance into practically any attraction. Is that in the Opera Garen can get very quickly. And, of course, this is not due to the fact that there is nothing to watch on the contrary. Just more tourists prefer to place the untwisted.

Paris the city that you can not see in a couple of days. In order to feel its power, you need at least a week. When you get tired of museums, it's time to culinary delights. That's just wait for the town of enchanting kitchen is not necessary. Paris has long been comply with the requirements of tourists - fast, cheap, familiar. This means that in most cafes and restaurants offers fast food in French sandwiches on crispy baguette, Italian pizza and spaghetti with French cheeses. Real works of culinary art can be found in the central city restaurants. Just keep in mind that prices are disproportionately more than the usual cafe. And the onion soup and snails can try in a more democratic place.

But Paris shopping really make you stunned. Of course, if you do not want to spend a few thousand euros on the Champs Elysees - the biggest shopping street. Yes, and there you can also stand in line at the ... boutique. And fans poekonomit, but to dress decently, it may be advisable to look for so-called Outlets. They are located away from the main streets and you can find them, wandering at random route.

But the appeal of Paris, not only in its architecture. Only there, sitting at a cafe table, drinking coffee or champagne right in the morning (in Paris can be all), one becomes aware of how silly sometimes you spend your time. Somewhere to run, trying to get it all - money, spend, to participate, to see ... But real life is opened there, the bridge over the Seine, in a leisurely walk in the autumn garden ...

Tags: summer, paris, vacation, walking, sight-seeing, shopping, shopping