Prague, which is impossible to forget

Prague, which is impossible to forget
 Once or call the capital of the Czech Republic - Golden Prague, Rome of the North, East Paris, City of hundred spiers. Those words are true. Prague is admired for its beauty and romance. Many tourists visit this city, eager to come back here again.

According to legend, the city name comes from the Czech prah (threshold) - there was a ford, which was used for crossing the river Vltava.

The capital of the Czech Republic is located in the heart of Western Europe, in addition, for centuries stood at the crossroads of two trade routes (the salt and amber). Therefore, it is rightly called also "the heart of Europe."

Romanesque buildings of Prague strict and perfect, characterized by originality and elegance of the Gothic creations, gorgeous and exquisite luxury baroque buildings. Narrow medieval streets coexist with modern spaces, merge with churches and cathedrals water towers. Harmoniously combined in Prague Romanesque and Gothic to Renaissance, Classicism, Modernism.

Impressive panorama of Vltava - river, which divides the city into two parts. Spill over the Vltava 18 bridges. The oldest of them - the Charles Bridge. This is an amazingly beautiful building, which is located sixteen arches and 30 figures of saints. At dawn, a thick fog hanging over the river, gives the impression of unreality - the feeling that there is no end of the bridge. On the Vltava River, you can go by boat.

Architectural dominant Prague Prague Castle is located on the left bank of the Vltava. Here begins the history of the Czech state. The city is surrounded by ramparts, was a permanent royal residence. Now it is the residence of the President of the Czech Republic.

On the territory of Prague Castle is a beautiful palace and church buildings, gardens, fountains, bridges. The most famous of them - St. Vitus Cathedral, the Old Royal Palace, the Basilica of St. George.

From a platform in front of the Prague Castle have a nice view on the historical center of the city, situated on both banks of the Vltava - Hradcany, Old Town, Lesser, the Jewish and the new town.

Within the capital on the Vltava are seven islands. One of them, Kampa, from the banks of the river separates the Devil - sleeve Vltava. Beautiful house looms close to the river, so this picturesque area with embankments and bridges called the Venice of Prague.

Prague today - it's not just frozen monuments. Here in the heart of Europe, is also the center of its modern musical and theatrical life.

Tags: journey, Prague