Kuala Lumpur - Asia in miniature

Kuala Lumpur - Asia in miniature
 In Kuala Lumpur live Chinese, Malays, Indians and other Asian nations, it turns into a real town in miniature Asia. Here you can watch the amazing neighborhood parties, religions, languages ​​and lifestyles.
 Kuala Lumpur is an economic and political center of the country, the capital of Malaysia - ultra-modern metropolis, which is spread over an area of ​​more than 245 square kilometers.

One of the main attractions of the Malaysian capital are the highest in the world, the Petronas Twin Towers Twin Towers. Towers are not only huge size, area of ​​all buildings Petronas Twin Towers is 48 football fields, but also the complexity of the design. Design towers based on Islamic geometric shapes forming the star of two squares. The towers are located offices, exhibition halls, a theater, conference rooms, restaurants and cafes.

Speaking of the Malaysian capital can not ignore the oldest mosque in the city Masjid Jamek, it is at the place where the first inhabitants built their huts. The mosque was built in the Indian style, she attracts the attention of a huge onion domes and magnificent arched colonnades.

If you are visiting Kuala Lumpur, be sure to take a walk in the park "Gardens of the lake", it is built around two lakes. The territory occupied by the park is 91, 6 hectares. Here you can enjoy the beauty of orchids, hibiscus, watch the butterflies.

Another attractive destination for nature lovers is the National Zoo, which is home to more than 200 representatives of the world of animals, aquarium park are nearly 80 species of fish and other sea creatures.

Lovers of the club life too will find a fun, because in the city there are many dance clubs, karaoke - bars. One of the most popular clubs in Malaysia is a club The Beach, which looks like a large hut.

For souvenirs you can go to the rich bazaars. In Chinatown, there is a huge Asian market, where almost all day traded handicrafts, fruits, flowers, animals, herbs and drugs, the textile industry.

Gourmet trip to Kuala Lumpur promises a lot of gastronomic discovery, you can enjoy traditional Malaysian dishes: satay, Assam laksa, charms Qui teou, roti channel. In all areas of the city have their own neighborhoods and street cafes restaurants, many of them Chinese Coffee (saves) and Indian (hawkers Mamaku).

Visiting Kuala Lumpur, you will plunge into the unusual world of Malaysian culture, which will long remain in your memory.

Tags: ride, miniature, landmark, asia, Gual