Isle of Capri - the pearl of Italy

Isle of Capri - the pearl of Italy
 Capri - a small rocky island in the Bay of Naples. He got a lot of popularity in the 19th century, when it became a favorite destination of European aristocracy. Now Capri is one of the most fashionable Italian resort, which annually attracts thousands of tourists.
 Isle of Capri, you can go around in a motorboat in just two hours, with a tour of its attractions. It consists of limestone rocks of origin, its coastline is a zigzag rocks, which are placed beaches, picturesque grottoes and caves. On Capri can wander for hours admiring his rarest natural beauty. Hallmark of the island are the Faraglioni - three rock formations sticking out of the sea.

On this small island fit only two cities - Capri and Anacapri. For a long time they were a single city, but in the 15th century they were divided. Capri is the capital of the island, there is most hotels. Cobbled streets of the capital and meander, unexpectedly collide and form a tiny central square, which is completely crowded with café tables. Shoppers here straight road, because the square are luxury boutiques known designer brands.

Anacapri is the second largest city of the island, it is slightly higher than the Capri, leads to it is quite narrow and winding mountain road. The city lies near the highest point of the island - the picturesque Monte Solaro, on top of which can be reached by cable car. From there, open a surprisingly scenic views not only on the island itself, but also the crystal clear Tyrrhenian Sea, washes him from all sides, as well as the volcano Vesuvius. Anacapri is surrounded by green olive trees and vineyards. It is an ideal place for lovers of quiet relaxation. Many artists find inspiration in this city.

One of the advantages of Capri that it is almost no traffic. That is why the choice of the abundance of exciting hiking trails strikes, and all this despite the fact that the island is quite small. Many tourists enjoy visiting the countless bays, lost in the lush vegetation, bays and mysterious caves. Almost all tourists travel to the Blue Grotto. His name, he is obliged to shade the water: inside the grotto it has luminescent-blue color, thereby creating a visual effect of highlighting the water column below. Code of this grotto is quite low, so tourists at the entrance and exit from it in a boat in the supine position. Also worth a look amazingly beautiful gardens of Augustus, and the original statue of Lenin.

Beauty Capri captivates many tourists. Carried out on this amazing island minute, scenic views and unforgettable scenery will long remain in the memory.

Tags: vacation, pearl, capris, landmark