How to stop being afraid of planes

How to stop being afraid of planes
 Fear of flying in an airplane experiencing, perhaps, every passenger. The degree of fear does not depend on the number of takeoffs and landings: often experience fear, even those who constantly flies. How to stop being afraid to fly a plane?
 Before the flight, give yourself a moral precepts that he needed, and nothing bad will happen. In any case before the flight did not study the statistics of falls and crashes of aircraft. Stay tuned positively. It would be great if your neighbor would be fun and interesting to talk to.

A few hours or days before the flight start taking natural sedatives. Drink valerian tincture, peony, or St. John's wort. Before the flight take a couple of pills motherwort or valerian. In no case can not as a sedative to use alcohol, it will only exacerbate fear. Also buy pills for motion sickness if you experience dizziness and nausea in the plane.

Heed to buy a ticket. Do not choose a seat near the window of an airplane, if you are afraid of heights. Do not take place, located in the tail of the plane: there are very strongly felt turbulence. For their own reassurance, take a seat near the emergency exit.

For flight in an airplane wear something that you do not wear shoes and snare. Clothing should be comfortable. Put your feet on the floor (preferably without shoes) to feel underfoot hard surface.

Sitting on the plane, relax and close your eyes. Breathe deeply several times and try not to think about anything bad. During the flight, think about the ultimate purpose of your trip, especially if you are traveling on vacation; read magazines, crossword puzzles, or see a hilarious movie on the laptop, listen to music or just eat. In general, do everything that distracts from the sad thoughts.

Do not attempt to track the progress of the flight, listening to the work of the engine. Especially, it is unlikely you something in the know. Better distracted, tying a casual conversation with a neighbor. Enjoy your flight!

Tags: plane