How to be on top, having appeared in the sky ...?

How to be on top, having appeared in the sky ...?
 Flight - the fastest and easiest way to get from one part of the globe to another, but there are people who are afraid to fly in panic. Indeed, if to throw a piece of metal into the air, then it falls. Why do airplanes fly? Fear binds man raised in the air, pushing it into the seat. Some overload or air pockets pressed even stronger passenger deafened and becomes good. How to transfer flights, with honor this test is not for the faint of heart?

Sometimes people are afraid to fly. At the same time phobias about vehicles or railway practically no one has. But the plane is in reality ... the safest! Yes, the statistics clearly shows that the crash is extremely rare. So much so that if they do occur, they are the whole world knows. About a car accident almost do not say anything, because they happen, sadly, on every road. If we compare the probability of a plane crash with other possible causes to die, it turns out that it is negligible. That is to say, sitting on a plane, you get to a safe place, if we compare with other variants of human presence on the ground.

The plane flies for a reason, and in accordance with the laws of aerodynamics. Explanation for the fact that he does not fall, lies in the fact that the engines artificially created over the wings and the body of the plane zone of lower pressure. And the air itself pushes the metal hulk up, just as the human body itself is held on the water, you just relax. Passenger aircraft run by experienced and highly qualified pilots, so there is no fear about the mismanagement of the aircraft.

Flight can deliver some discomfort to those who suffer from colds. Try not to fly in a time when you have a cold. If you still can not avoid the flight, and you, as luck would have it, I'm sorry, get nose drops, drip them before the flight. Otherwise, his ears, so much so that after a few hours is not "decompose" back. People with cardiovascular disease and blood pressure problems, should consult with your doctor before you start to make flights. But usually there is no danger, unless the person is not a severe form of the disease.

To the road not to imagine the nightmarish picture of the plane falls and breaks, bring a book or magazine. Flight attendants will offer sweets before the plane rise into the air - take them off if you experience nausea or discomfort. If a man sucking a lollipop or candy, the pressure in your ears aligned faster lays them less climb. If you have to make a flight in the morning, it is desirable for 2-3 hours before a meal, drink a cup of tea or coffee that is not on an empty stomach queasy during takeoff and landing.

There is another way to overcome fear of flying, and it is quite radical. Need to go to the flying club and try to learn to fly a plane.

Tags: fear, altitude, aircraft, sky, flight