Holidays in Corsica: a trip to Napoleon

Holidays in Corsica: a trip to Napoleon
 French island of Corsica, the fourth largest in the Mediterranean Sea, is world-famous thanks to the great commander Napoleon Bonaparte. There is an assumption that the Corsican had another illustrious historical figure - a traveler Christopher Columbus.
 Territorial community of Corsica - such is the legal status of the island. The first paved hiking trails here, of course, French. At first visitors came to Corsica exclusively informative purpose: to see with their own eyes the place where the boy ran next great military leader and emperor of France. "Journey to Napoleon" - the main component of any Corsican excursions.

Everywhere on the island you can find statues of various sizes Bonaparte, in a cocked hat, and without it. But the true scope of the memory of the figure who laid the foundation of the modern French state, reaches in his hometown of Napoleon - Ajaccio. There is the Museum of Napoleon family tomb is still preserved family home Bonaparte (Italian, generic version of the family name) and the church, which was christened the future emperor.

Despite the small size of the island, excursions in Corsica is very diverse. In the same Ajaccio, in addition to numerous Napoleonic memorials, guides offer tourists to explore the palace Fesch, famous for its collection of paintings. And travelers who find themselves in Sartène, consider it their duty to pass on the famous "way to Calvary." So called Corsican street on which Christians are held annually in chains and shackles, with a wooden cross on the back, thus repeating the sorrowful way of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem.

Holidays in Corsica would not be so popular if it were not allowed after or instead of excursions to surrender to the sweet idleness on a clean beach by the sea. Thanks to the excellent weather from May to October each year the island is occupied Beach lovers and water sports. Here you can swim kayaking, scuba diving or fishing. And you can just sit in a cozy restaurant with views of the bay and watch the sunset while sipping French wine with local specialties: cheese and chestnuts.

Tags: Napoleon, travel, trip, vacation, dive, Bonaparte