Disneyland: families with children!

Disneyland: families with children!
 "Disneyland" - a world-famous amusement park, built in Anaheim, California, under the guidance of the famous director-animator Walt Disney. It was opened in the summer of 1955. The park has become a dream come true Walt, who wanted to build a leisure complex, where children could plunge into the magical world of fairy tales, and their parents - temporarily forget about all the problems, carefree fun together with their offspring.
 Construction of Disneyland require great effort and huge financial costs, but they were quickly okupleny. After this magical theme park since its opening was attended by more than 600 million people! Disneyland several times to expand and update, for example, in 1966 there was "area of ​​New Orleans," and in 1972 - "Bear Country" (now called "strange animal"). Well, the most famous, perhaps, a Disney character - Mickey Mouse - permanently joined the Disneyland in 1993. The image of a brave little mouse and it was literally everywhere, but that year the park there is a whole city - Multaun Mickey.

From the outset, Disneyland was divided into five so-called countries, each of which was devoted to some well-defined topic. For example, "Main Street" portrays the life of the ordinary, ordinary US cities at the beginning of the 20th century. Once in it, adults and children see how to dress when people looked like shop windows, some trucks drove through the streets. "Adventure World" as it brings visitors into the thick jungle, where they lurks a lot of surprises and "dangers". Going into the zone 'bordering countries' visitors find themselves in a typical Wild West town, in the era of post stagecoaches, saloons, bandits and brave sheriffs. Zone "strange fantasies" - a world where there is Disney characters. Here and brave Mickey Mouse, Snow White and his friends-dwarfs, and touching fawn Bambi, ducklings and led with a mean Uncle Scrooge. Kids get great pleasure from visiting this part of the park. Well, the zone of "Country of the Future" as it brings visitors in the age to come. 

In subsequent years, and added new areas were closed. Now there are eight. Disneyland is literally saturated with all kinds of attractions, which bring a storm of emotions, not only children but also adults. In short, this is the real center of fun and enjoyment, where every visitor will find entertainment for everyone.

In many countries around the world to build their "Disneyland". The most famous and popular, perhaps, the one that was built in France, near Paris. It consists of five parts (zones), and the flow of wanting to see this miracle keeps on giving all year round, despite the relatively high cost of tickets.

Tags: child, history, Disneyland