Crimean Caves: Marble Cave, Kizil-Koba and Emine-Bair-Khosar

Crimean Caves: Marble Cave, Kizil-Koba and Emine-Bair-Khosar
 Charming nature of Crimea - is not only the sea and the mountains, and caves. In this relatively small peninsula is several hundred caves, the most famous of which are marble, Kizil-Koba and Emine-Bair-Khosar.

They are open at different times of the 20th century and studied with interest by researchers until now. Marble Cave is one of the most visited by tourists, but was only discovered in 1987. Two years later in its territory was opened guided tour. The cave is located at the mountain Chater-Dag. She is known for the presence of marble-like limestone, which is why, in fact, got its name. You can see this going down inside (pre putting on his jacket, because the temperature inside the 9 degrees). Around - the mass of stalagmites (large natural build-up) and stalactites ("icicles"). Tourist route through the cave passes through several rooms, some of which were formed millions of years ago as a result of the collapse. Enjoy the wonderful sculptures of nature can be a jazz or classical music, which sounds in each of the cave rooms.

Within the same Chater-Dag is no less beautiful cave - Emine-Bair-Khosar, which means "well on the side of the oak." The length of this piece of nature is 2 km away, however, the cave has not been studied until the end. It consists of several tiers and halls, as well known for its unique calcite formations. Inside, there is now an underground lake, well, huge stalagmites, reaches a height of 10 m. A room with gelektitami can heartily admire the stone in the form of vines, inhabited by bats. In one of the halls of the annular path for a few days stayed researchers. In Emine-Bair-Khosar were found the remains of mammoths and bison.

Cave Kizil-Koba (Red Cave second name) is in the Simferopol area 3 km from the village Perevalnoye. It combines three caves which stretch more than 20 km. Travel it is a walk through quite a complex maze, which without a guide is better not to go. Inside is pretty cool, just 8-9 degrees of heat, flowing underground river Su-Uchhan, and a lot of waterfalls. And if you often look around, you will not go unnoticed various carbonate statues of various shapes and sizes. Most interesting is that more than two thousand years ago, people lived here! And besides them - large animals including mammoths. These findings were made by scientists who investigated found in Kizil-Koba remains of bones. Tours of the Red caves are only in the off-season and only small groups of no more than 10 people. And for those who know how to swim, dive and is not afraid of adventure, here are held and diving excursions that last for several hours.

Tags: Cave, Kyzyl, cob, Emin, Bair, hosar