Best vacation in Cuba

Best vacation in Cuba
 The Soviet Union and Cuba tied many years of friendship: the leadership of our country has an enormous financial and political support to the government of Fidel Castro. Analysts even predicted the imminent collapse of Cuba in connection with the collapse of the USSR. However, the situation has stabilized, and at the moment Cuba is quite successful single voyage.

Cuba combines the incompatible: royal quarters of the poor and the coast, luxurious holiday destination for tourists and multiple constraints for the local population. However, Liberty Island attracts people like a magnet - the endless white sand beaches, hot dances kubinok passionate about beauty and sharp temper which compose songs, and the general atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality.

Here everyone will find rest for the soul: the young have fun at night discos, older people fascinate tours to historical sites. The main thing is to choose the right hotel: travelers with children having fun stop in family hotels with children's menu and children's entertainment. Cheap hotels offer young people vibrant entertainment and city hotels are suitable for travelers who are on business trips.

Travel to Cuba at any time of the year, the average annual temperature is 26 ° C. The coldest month - January (+ 23 ° C), the hottest - August (28 ° C). Rains from May to September, from October to April - the dry season.

The most famous attractions are the Cuban capital of the state - Havana. This Palace of Fine Arts, Museum of the City of Havana, the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, the house-museum of Ernest Hemingway, a historical museum Guanabokoa and Latin America's largest zoo.

The most famous resort Cuba - Varadero. It is 20 km of magnificent beaches with clean sand and azure waters. Dozens of hotels, 23 dive centers and service at the highest level - Varadero is among the three best beaches in the world.

Like movies about pirates? Welcome to the city of Santiago de Cuba, the fortress Castillo del Moro, where there is a unique museum of the history of piracy. In addition, the city is famous for its colorful carnivals, which are usually held in the summer, in the second half of July.

Be sure to visit the Isle of Youth - an evergreen paradise with sandy beaches and beautiful karst hills. In the south of the island are all conditions for this hunt, and in the north you will find the famous black sand beaches.

What to bring from a trip to Cuba? Of course, the real Cuban cigars, coffee and rum. All this excess is sold in many souvenir shops at tourist complexes and hotels. Do not forget the souvenirs depicting the legendary Che Guevara, who still revere in Cuba.

Tourists as one talk about unusual ease and friendliness of Cubans who are ready for a modest fee to provide shelter and a guest table. Many bribes is this almost childlike, and a great desire to please the guests - Cuba return again and again.

Tags: cube, vacation, resort