Winter 2006-2007 fashion handbags

 Great Coco Chanel believed that it is impossible to be smart without fashionable handbags. For many decades bags are probably the most favorite accessory for women of all ages. Good bags does not happen a lot, and they have long are not only practical in nature, and suggestions for future designers fall and winter it is confirmed. Fashion handbags make the heart beat more often even the most pampered fashionistas. Large bags like name rather shopping bags in the style of punk rock was a difficult nature of its owner, and tiny bags in a most unexpected things like offer to remember his childhood. Looking at such a variety, you cease to miss the onset of autumn and related weather phenomena.

Fashion bags- The brightest and most popular accessories. Fashionable bag has long ceased to be just a functional thing, and became the face of his master. Fashionistas evaluate people on this accessory, and psychologists offer to evaluate yourself just by looking into the depths of her purse. Not one show fashion collections passes without bags.

Designers can not use other accessories, handbags but they always use. It's kind of accessory for all time. So seasonal trends bags should be given special attention. This season, the bags do not stop at one thing. The collections of fashion houses, you can find both large and small, such as leather and fur.

Fur - From the most luxurious materials, it comes back to us with each onset of cold weather, warming body and soul. None of fashion in the coming season will not be able to do without fur handbags, whether from natural or artificial fur. Sizes range from tiny handbags, cosmetic bags to large roomy bag over his shoulder.

Miss spring? The designers have taken care of it, this autumn and winter flowers to decorate handbags. Elegant rosettes of flowers adorn evening bags, handbags casual cheerful fabric flowers are blooming. Revitalize your favorite bag can be garnished it with a brooch in the shape of a flower. This autumn lays claim to the title of the spring!

Style "Cowboy" is in their positions. Summer were all fascinated handbags with fringe, they will go with us next season. Fringe decorated as usual bags and evening bags. The longer the fringe, the stylish looks bag, in some cases fringe almost reaches the floor.

Metal chains, rivets ... punk rock - a fashion trend! Eighties back. Chain on his neck? Not always ... Stylish alternative to the usual application of the chain - the handle of the bag. Chanel at the time made this style of cult and has been for many years, he remains so.

Large bags are always popular, as practical and easy to use. And designers are in solidarity with consumers, producing a huge variety of big and beautiful bags.

Live according to the principle of "All I carry with me?" Then you can get, big bags, stylish as ever. In addition to the undeniable benefits in the form of large bags of spaciousness also nicely decorated, have a stylish and sometimes luxurious design.

Just small bags - which are in hand. They are very beautiful and luxurious. But, unfortunately, this is not the most convenient option for every day. But for evening dresses and the publication - it's the best.

When the weather is damp, gray and boring, every speck of color becomes worth its weight in gold. Maybe one of them will want to be you? Opting for black clothes, designers have not stinted on the colors when creating fashionable handbags. Well, fine stroke. However, the legendary black and got a place of honor. Emphasize that it is not necessary, classic black bag at all times.

Now also popular handbags patent leather or a metal. Since gold and glitter - now in vogue, the bags and the like as well.

Tags: bag