Shirts 2010

 Even the most sophisticated ladies come in embarrassment when asked: What is different from women's blouse shirt? At first glance - seems to be nothing. But it turned out the women's magazine JustLady, differences abound. Even more than you could imagine.

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Let's start with the fact that the shirts were worn even in ancient times in Babylon. Oddly enough, even then white shirts were part of the work clothes of local clerks who wrote accounting records in cuneiform on clay tablets, in such circumstances, they can be white - a mystery. However, some historians believe that the shirt - a modernized version of the Roman tunic, which is worn underneath the toga and was considered underwear. Renaissance shirt prints on the leading position, it had to be seen necessarily. In the sixteenth century the Italians learned to tat and it goes all the male dandies of steel decorate their shirts. British, two centuries later, they stopped the madness, entering as a standard of perfect manhood and severity of a new kind of clothes - a strict white shirt with a high collar and without ornaments. It is a stand-up collar and is a fundamental part that distinguishes shirt from blouses.

Until the nineteenth century, men's shirts were white characters solvency and aristocracy. Industrialization and development of industrial production has put into fashion and other colors - blue led in the West and in Russia - red.

Women began to wear a shirt in the 70s of the last century - shirts have become a fixture of business lady.

Women's ShirtAs a subspecies of the male differs from its predecessor softer lines and consists of a collar, shelves, sleeves, cuffs and - necessarily - on the back yoke. Although modern modifications and sometimes refuse to cut this part. Often, there are pockets on shirts. Generally distinguish blouse from shirts can only be a woman, her inner intuition always tells you what kind of object design art in front of her.

More often than not overload shirt with decorative details, the maximum that offer designers - a lace jabot or small folds, tucks. Generally,Women's shirts - It is necessary parts of the female wardrobe. Shirts are perfectly combined with a business suit and jeans, classic trousers and skirts cylinders, and only shirt combined with pencil skirt - it's something superseksualnuyu.

This season, the shirt just as valid as in the past, and the year before pozapozapozaproshlom. This unique shirts, appearing in the closet, they win back a place there and not leave her mistress would never.

However, unlike previous years in this fashion are consideredWomen's shirts in pastel colors of silk is very simple cut. Since the '80s retro style dominates, the line of the shoulders should be extended. Generally,Women's shirts at the last show of haute couture looked a little "slipshod", "rigor" offered not many designers, and then only in conjunction with a classic business suits, which is meant by the style. We must pay tribute to the designer this season, they are all as one - from Dior to Sisley created quite acceptable options that can literally make the podium for sale. Revolutionary solutions have been proposed are not in a cut, but in conjunction with other parts of shirts wardrobe: shorts, dresses, trousers, breeches, different skirts and jeans.

Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010
Shirts 2010

pictured: women's fashion shirt 2010

Women's magazine JustLady believes thatWomen's shirts - Delicious in and of themselves, and if they are also to compose, you can create any image, just as you meet your mood and planned.

 Natalia Toropova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: shirt