Fashion handbags 2008

 The original shape, metal jewelry, patent leather, shiny gold - fashion bags coming spring should be bright!  


Like last season, fashion bags are capacious. It may be bulky leather bags with outside pockets, huge "knapsack" fabric with bright prints, square or rectangular classic bags without handles. If you choose a classic bag, it can be of medium size. Clutches designers offer both traditional size, and more.

Shape and material

In a fashion unusual shapes and soft materials. Briefcases and bags envelopes looks calm due to the fact that are made of a flexible, thin skin. This material allows to lay on the bags soft folds, making them more interesting form, and themselves bags - roomy. In Mauger insertion of a variety of exotic leathers. Winter trends continue and the coming spring: patent leather bags are still in vogue.


In addition to classic bags for colors - black, beige, brown, Mauger in bright, juicy colors. This is especially true of patent leather: extra shine makes color even more colorful and brighter. Relevant combinations of different colors in the same model as the calm, for example, white and beige, and contrast and sharp. Still popular shades of metallic silver and gold.


The more original will be decorated with your bag, so you'll look more fashionable. Unusual fasteners, such as asymmetric, randomly placed zippers, handles non-standard location, for example, the side - parts should surprise. Popular in the last season this spring fringe takes more bizarre forms. Bags are decorated with numerous tassels and frills.


We are accustomed to the fact that the compatibility of shoes and bags have long ceased to be compulsory. Old days are back! Suitable to each other in style, color, material, shoes and handbag are back in fashion.

Maria Serov

Tags: bag