Fashion coats 2009

 Yellow leaves and rain puddles and rubber boots, colorful umbrellas and gray sky - all this autumn entourage surrounds most controversial and fractious period - the off-season. And I've no idea and could not suspect that at this time of year can be gloomy look rosy and bright. Doubt? And you see what raincoats offer us this season, designers, and all your doubts will be dispelled! Joyful colors and extravagant fashions fashion coats 2009 give a sense of freedom, permissiveness and style. And women's magazine JustLady urges all its readers to look at the fall collection cloaks over carefully.

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The dream of many modern women - iscloakModeled in such a way that it can be put to any type of clothing, since dress finishing denim overalls. To find such a versatile coat, takes time. Good news to all our readers - this season it is considered fashionable classic silhouettes, and it is particularly interesting - in retro style.

Fashion coats 2009

All the fashion of the day - very retro. Active modern woman is not only looking to the future, but sometimes looks back. In the fashion of the past present romanticism, which is so little today, in our mobile and anxious XXI century.Fashion coats 2009 only confirm this.

Many designers have found their way to the heart of the modern woman, offering for this fall classiccloak-trench, Originally from the seventies, which combines elements of the thirties and forties in part. Familiar straight silhouette, traditional average length, waist highlighted by a wide belt or a belt with a buckle, pockets of different forms, turn-down collar. One of the main decorations of the trench can become cuffs on the sleeves. Particularly recommended for slim style - flared towards the bottom. This silhouette makes a more feminine figure.

Fashion coats 2009

The color scheme of this season restrained, one might even say, "diorovsky." Multicolor palette consisting of black, brown, gray and beige shades. Classic black and white colors, as always, are able to create amazing metamorphosis. The woman selected for publication trench white will charming, gentle and incredibly elegant. Lady in black cloak - the embodiment of style, confidence and grace.

Fashion coats 2009

But if in the fashion world traditions and trends observed at all times - it would not be fashion. Bright purple, turquoise, olive and coral shadesfashion coats 2009, Woven into the overall image and silhouette flirty and provocative touches. In overcast offseason so often lacking is their.

Fashion coats 2009

In addition to the basic details are important and additional accessories that give the cloak individuality. This large buttons and loops unusual, extravagant and decorative elements. Any woman knows what power is hidden in the neck scarf, elegant brooches, it attracts the attention of a pair of gloves and a bright beautiful bag, and how important can sometimes play stylish shoes - talk about it not even worth it. The era of retro shoes - is the platform of the 1940s, and then retro shoes with membranes, as before the war. Today, many addicted to this shoe, so buy a pair of retro in the cellar.

In swift and fleeting flight modes can be difficult to navigate, but the retro style familiar to everyone. Retrospective fashion, feeding traditions and juices of the past, can not enter the women in the style of the XXI century: the Internet age, the velocity of a united Europe and new technologies. And all because humanity tend to look back into the past, people like the reflection of long-forgotten times. After all, the designers have created a fundamentally new cut can not be found, the whole modern fashion - fashion of the past, its copy.Fashion coats 2009 came to us from the past, too, of the 60-80-ies. It is quite possible that in a few years, your granddaughter taking from "chest" modern retro cloak gasp of admiration and exclaims: "Grandma, because this beauty now the height of fashion, let reproach! »

You stylish autumn!

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: cloak