History of perfume

 The history of perfume goes far back centuries. Since time immemorial, aromatic herbs and flowers were constant companions of man. The ancient Egyptians used them as part of religious rituals. Basically, fragrant herbs used in balms, creams and various incense. Aromatic oils are used in cosmetics or pharmaceuticals.

Gorgeous blush

According to historians around the XV century BC. e.perfumes began to be used not only in religious rituals, but also at various festivals and Egyptian women gladly used the art of seductive scents during lovemaking.

Over time,perfume spread throughout the "civilized" world - Greece, Rome, the Arab countries. Fall of the Roman Empire in the time slowed the rapid development of perfumery art, but in the XII century in connection with the development of international trade, production and distribution of fragrances resumed with renewed vigor.

In the XVII century the spirits began to enjoy great success. In 1656 in Franceproducers of spirits gloves and implemented a joint project for the production of aromatic gloves. The use of perfume in France has become so popular that even the palace of King Louis XV became known as "fragrant yard," because there was a delicious smell permeated everything - not only clothes court, but all the furniture. However, such an activeuse of perfume had less to do with the aesthetic sense of refined French as banal desire to muffle the other, not so subtle smell, which were soaked while the city.

XVIII century was literally revolutionary: cologne was invented. This refreshing blend of various herbs - rosemary, bergamot, lemon used wherever possible. For example, it is added to the bath used to rinse the mouth and even as an enema (about Madonna!). Around the same time began to appear a variety ofpackaging for storage of spiritsWhich is becoming increasingly popular, especially after France opened in 1765 factory for the production of packaging-boxes.

Along with the art and industry, perfumery also changing rapidly during the XIX century. Changes in taste and the development of modern chemistry has given a new impetus to the development of perfume. The French Revolution did not reduced the popularity of flavors, on the contrary, there werenew smells and new names. For example, "Perfume a la Guillotine» ("Parfum a la Guillotine"). Around the same time, girls were worn in their handbags special aromatic boxes, the prototype of the modern spirits.

Due to the significantly increased demand for aromatic products began to actively develop the industry for the production of raw materials for the production of spirits (especially the town of Grasse in Provence (Grasse). And the world's largest center for the production of perfumes was Paris. Companies with a worldwide reputation, organized in those days , known to this day - Lubin, Roger & Gallet, Guerlain.

Soon there was a questionStorage spirits with glass bottles. Manufacturer perfumes Francois Coty, a couple with his friend Rene Lalique began supplying bottles for brands such as Guerlain, D'Orsay, Lubin, Molinard, Roger & Gallet, and others. There was also firm Baccarat (Baccarat), acquired fame as a producer of bottles for Mitsouko (Guerlain), Shalimar (Guerlain) and others, and the company Bross (Brosse) created the famous bottle for the most popular fragrance Chanel №5, created back in 1921 the great Mademoiselle Coco Chanel. Until now, Chanel №5 is one of the most popular and favorite flavors worldwide.

Today the market is a huge variety of choice spirits, known for more than twenty thousand flavors. Throughout its existence the perfumery industry has undergone great changes in technology, material, style. You can pick out any flavor to your discerning taste and budget.

Natalia Sharygina

Tags: spirit, fragrance, accessory