Delicate matter

 "Where begin incense routine ends and begins beauty" - Aristotle said. Since the days of the great philosopher, much has changed, but not the power of scents on people ...

The man plunged into the world of fragrances even before built a civilization. When the ancients wanted to highlight and remember for a long time at some point or action, they came up with a special "scent" accompaniment, as if realizing that the most important thing is beyond words, and not see his eyes.

And now many thousands of kindling incense - an integral part of the solemn liturgy and rituals, healing body and soul. Initially to produce aromatic smoke used fragrant tree branches, leaves, grass pitches. A 3-4 thousand years ago, people learned to be isolated from the roots, resins and essential oils that are the basis of any incense.

Mirra - "healer of body and soul" and incense - the smell of Charm, widely used in the cults of the East and West - are pieces of resin conifers. By the way, "incense", which we feel in our churches, it is not loblolly pine resin, and the grass cistus, which is markedly different from the "real" incense. Not all religious flavors really have a pleasant smell, but they are all really different magical properties. For example, AIR, popular in Nepal and Tibet, promotes meditation, directs thoughts to a higher purpose. Basil, which were first used in India - fragrance mood and concentration, and cloves - a source of vital energy. Ginger has long been used in military rituals for good luck (and sexual magic) in China and Tibet. Nutmeg has always had a reputation "witch" potions. Resort to it to expand and sharpen the ability of clairvoyance. In the long inhalation nutmeg enters into a state of "altered consciousness", so it should be treated carefully. Precious spices, anoint persons, to administer the affairs of state. The ancients believed that storax promotes accumulation of mental energy and a serious attitude. One of the most mystical incense - wormwood. Hippocrates believed it means from a dozen diseases, and among nomadic peoples wormwood was the main "shield" from the world of evil, but at the same time, and the key to the other world.

Fragrant psychotherapy

In the world there are thousands of smells - pleasant, mouth-watering, exciting. But only ten of them have a special effect on the human brain, mood state. Knowledge of healing and energetic properties of spices gives you up arms capable of handling any situation!

When you need to gather for a breakthrough, access to the "inviolability of energy reserves" will provide ginger, basil, cloves, cinnamon, coriander, lemongrass and black pepper. For maximum effect, you can simultaneously use them as a spice, and as a seasoning. You're going to accumulate energy and the outside and the inside. Do not forget that after the "race" should be deep relaxation. Otherwise, the body is not given an opportunity to recover. But sometimes it is very difficult to quickly switch from hyperactivity to absolute rest. Everybody knows the condition when you need to sleep, and the brain continues to work feverishly. Come to the aid oregano, anise, ylang-ylang, lavender, lemon balm, mandarin, patchouli, rosewood, chamomile and sage. These incense removed and mental and muscular tension, expel worries and concerns.

But the wise - to listen to the needs of his own body. It knows that for you to profit at the moment: to postpone the case and relax or gather strength. Understand what you really need help, adaptogens flavors of bergamot, fir, cedar, myrtle, juniper, mint, niaouli, palmarosa, fir, pine, tea tree, eucalyptus.

But most importantly - to keep harmony and balance in every situation. Make this iconic fragrance: frankincense, myrrh, sandalwood, hyssop, and warm smells of orange, jasmine, verbena, neroli and rose.

Flex with character

Why do some fall into the ecstasy of exquisite notes of sandalwood and myrrh, and other plants cinnamon and ginger? This is largely determined by the nature of man. Pick up the smell in nature is as necessary as the clothes fit. A well-chosen spices turn into a real "magic wand", a source of support and confidence in almost any situation. At the same time, erroneously selected (albeit very attractive) smell can cause irritation, aggression or apathy.

Man instinctively stops on the smell that its sound "confirms" his stance. At the same time is a good chance that the choleric address the incense with the same explosive temper, as he does, for example, cinnamon or ginger, and will be mesmerized by the melancholic sentimental, "tearful" hyacinth. At the same time, even if forced to impose smell antagonist, which (in theory) must balance the personality traits between man and aroma may be sharp opposition, does not contribute to the establishment of internal harmony.

That is why when choosing a personal scent enough to be guided only "principle approval", widely used in aromatherapy, and it is necessary to listen to the opinion of a specialist.

Choleric help to become more equilibrated patchouli, lavender, geranium, ylang-ylang, vetiver. In the most explosive moments can turn to valerian, and in the opposite (any choleric occasionally feels devastated and broken) - a crisp and calls upon to feats levzei. At the same time he contraindicated 'fuel' flavors - lemon and rosemary.

Sanguine person their flexibility and easy attitude to life perfectly coexist with almost all the spices. Particularly successful is their tandem with citrus: lemon, mandarin, bergamot, orange. One of the few contraindications - nutmeg. Its powerful influence he can destroy cheerful serenity sanguine.

Phlegmatic needed warm aromas that compensate their natural coolness. This cinnamon, cassia, cloves, ginger. Special joy of life will give vanilla and honey flavor. But Sandalwood acts on the phlegmatic too much, causing even more immersed in himself and fenced off from the outside world.

Melancholiac need to draw vital energy in the incense with coniferous notes: cedar, incense, benzyl, Peru balsam. They will help them find the missing firmness and perseverance. And thanks to the rose, tuberose, sandals, warm sunny honey melancholic charge of optimism and will be able to see and appreciate the bright side of life, even "bad weather". But here mimosa should be avoided! This delicate bashful plant itself is too sensitive and sentimental.

Form for flavor

Finding suitable incense - a difficult art, which includes also the choice of the form of smell.

If your goal - aromatherapy, ie, healing with the help of odors, stop at the traditional aromalampe or aromatic baths - in this way achieved the maximum therapeutic effect.

If you want to make life more paint, quickly create a special atmosphere, turn to solid fragrance. Sticks, cones, sachets - an integral part aromainterera in the East. In South-East Asia, particularly in Thailand and Indonesia, particular preference is given compact fragrant cones. In India, China and Tibet ritual and "household" kindle smoking with the help of sticks. Among the experts believe that it is the Tibetan sticks - the best.

The ideal companion - aromamedalon allowing everywhere carry favorite smell and turn to him for support. Aromamedalon can hang in the car, in front of a computer or worn as a decoration in ethno style.

Aromaastrologi recommend

ImpulsivenessAries suitable pine, fir, lemon. They do not suppress it easy nature, but will help to become more consistent and patient.

Slow, persistentTaurus help easier to relate to life laurel (bay), rosemary, cypress.

Gemini fill the surrounding space with fun, create a sense of celebration, just like them ideal aroma of mandarin. To look at things more deeply and removal, useful fennel and basil.

Crayfish dare to reveal to the world his thin vulnerable soul, warmed by an open waves of jasmine, ylang-ylang and sandalwood.

Royal sign - royal incense: myrrh, rose, incense underline splendorLion and, at the same time, teach him to be attentive to other people.

Virgos would be nice to think that one reason and cold correctness will not be happy. Release the latent sensuality without changing themselves, they help geranium and coriander and eucalyptus can teach flexibility emerging from conflict will return a positive attitude.

Eternally oscillatingWeights help restore the balance of mint and arborvitae. A fragrance Bigard accentuate their irresistible sexuality.

The most passionate sign of the Zodiac -Scorpio - Correspond at least passionate smells: cloves, nutmeg, patchouli.

Sagittarians volatile and unstable, but in their hearts they keep cherished heat. The essence of which convey and emphasize cinnamon, rose, neroli.

Thorough, but tjazhelovatym on the riseCapricorns ideal mint, geranium, eucalyptus - noble, elegant, nothing more!

Creative imagination and temperamentAquarius emphasize the light scents of bergamot, grapefruit, lavender. They insure against "distortions" and sharp turns at 180 C °.

Mystical natureFish Otten sage and Bigard. A warm rosemary "fish blood" and will insist on its.

Tatiana Igoshina

Tags: matter