Perceived shortcomings: how to live with them

 Complexes are at all. It's OK. After complex - a combination of feelings and emotions, and he does not say that you are flawed. But sometimes complexes occur in a vacuum. Perceived shortcomings - how to live with this problem?

You are not too happy with your appearance? Did you know that your case is not yet a clinical? Dysmorphophobia - that's a real problem that requires a serious concern.
Dysmorphophobia - A mental disorder in which a person is overly concerned and occupied a minor defect or feature of your body. Usually begins in adolescence or young. The incidence of men and women is about the same, accompanied by a high risk of suicide compared with other mental disorders. Patients may complain of several specific "defects", a "defect", undefined feature or appearance, at the same time suffer from important aspects of the patient's life - the ability to work, to function normally in society, take care of themselves. In cases where ideas become delusional character, with the loss of criticism and appropriate behavior, it is better to talk about the dangers of physical disability.
BDD in the world not so much - most of us can still control their own body dissatisfaction. Usually, we choose the object sovey hate any one part of the body and tormented myself with thoughts about her, struggling to bring it closer to the ideal. Most often suffers ass, breasts, nose ... Surprisingly, despite the more or less tolerant attitude of men towards their own appearance, BDD among representatives of different sexes about the same amount.
People suffering from this disease, severely limit their potential. The case when the young man refused to prestigious high-paying jobs in favor of home-based, because I do not want his colleagues saw his ugliness (which actually was not). The youngest patients known to science, was only six years - the boy thought he had too much belly.
Experiencing because of his alleged physical disability, such a person is experiencing severe stress: all day looking in the mirror or vice versa - avoids reflective surfaces, fearing to see there "this horrible nose" or "these pig eyes." BDD flatly refuse to be photographed, so as not to "capture the centuries this ugliness." Many turn in on themselves, give up lucrative offers of work, study leave, if not longer to go out.
However, in addition to seriously ill people, there are others which are majority and which is easy to imagine something like that. In the most vulnerable risk group, of course, teenagers.
So sensitive to his own reflection, as it happens in adolescence, it is not necessary more than ever. It was during this period the person is very important not to stand out among their peers. Any hasty word, any opinion or ridicule can leave the vulnerable teenager at heart a deep impression. Especially important is how your son or daughter perceive parents - in fact resist negative peer attention of the child still can, but accept the fact that parents do not like it for what it is (namely thinks teenager, when you talk to him that he has too long arms or too big nose), it is unlikely to.
Dissatisfaction with their own appearance and often occurs in women after divorce. Most of them sincerely believe that her husband left her for another, because it is more attractive. This action plunges the woman in a long depression - she is confident in his own unattractiveness, is that it is unable to like men, that she will never not be happy in my personal life. And all this only because it has the extra pounds (wrinkles on the face, legs too short ...). On this basis, and there is a fierce hatred of his own body, which results in a rash diet, excessive load and constant dissatisfaction with the result.

The most common female complaints:

Ideas about what should be the ideal weight for women is strongly distorted. Men from the normal perception of the female body has not yet moved. If you are suffering from dystrophy and likes himself in the mirror, it does not mean that your figure will delight in men. They like the female form, like the presence of the girls breasts and thighs, and they really do not notice cellulite.
Everybody dies. All. But first, get old. Including this charming blonde sitting in the office next door and had just graduated from university. Quite a bit, and it will not be the youngest in your team. Maturation and aging - is a normal process. You have in fact been a youth, you would not have been deprived of this happiness? So, all is fair, and there is nothing to be sad in vain - it is better to spend your time enjoying life.
Modernity is very loyal to the age limit - young, according to the theory of sociology, are those people who have not attained 35 years of age. Then they are ... no, not old, and adults. Then the elderly. Only for deep ... they can already call the elderly, but in this age people are usually proud of his age.
Parts of the body.
One friend of mine pronounced deformities has not. And scary about it going through, because all are dissatisfied with something, something all correct, and she lives alone in peace and not suffering. In this regard, she chooses those areas of the body that it "not satisfied", and begins to deal with them. Sometimes shock exposed to too large breasts, sometimes too thin hair, sometimes too crooked legs.
This example, you can describe what happens to most women who are unhappy with some of his body parts. In actual fact, things are not so bad, we ourselves invent flaws, but someone (like my friend) does this deliberately, as someone sincerely believes that aquiline nose - this ugliness that is incompatible with life.

How can overcome their shortcomings invented?

If you really suffer because of their perceived shortcomings (which is imaginary, we are not talking here about the problems that exist in reality), it is necessary to consult a specialist and do not spend the time that you can spend enjoying life. If you understand that protruding ears - is nothing more than fiction and caprice, try to calm conscience. You think that you are overweight? Work out! Too small breasts? Buy corrective underwear! In short, work on yourself, then you will be safer to accept yourself - because you will not let it go, and fought and, for sure, have achieved good results.


Tags: shortage