Leave alone - an occasion for experience?

 The current situation on the personal front does not allow you to travel with your loved one. And friends, unfortunately, everyone is busy. So now do not go on vacation? Whatever it!
Soon summer. So - on vacation soon. You have already selected the country to which you want to travel, plan an entire vacation and began to dream. There is only one "but" - you do not have anyone to go. And you're ready to give up the journey, because you seem to be bored, and in general it is a strange way to go somewhere alone ...
Alas, you do not see the advantages of leave without us. But they are, and a lot of them!
Leave without a loved ...
Will allow you to relax a little and not so carefully monitor their appearance. After all, it involves vacation relaxed atmosphere, and therefore, your choice will most likely would have been set to far from the thoughts of everyday life - that is, the surrounding strangers from around the world. To sustain such a selling competition (especially if it happens in the resort), you would have on a daily basis to stay on alert - clean, styled hair, tan, tidy-up - in short, all the things that you usually do. But precisely because vacation rentals, so you can not do what you normally! No one will pinch you for your hips, looking at the slender neighbors when you tuck into a delicious Belgian chocolate outrageous or French eclairs; No one will point to a barely noticeable cellulite when you undress on the beach - just one vacation you will not spoil!
Leave without friends ...
Give you the opportunity to stay in silence and do what you want. With Friends pleasant and fun when you come together in the choice of interest, but it happens very rarely. Recently, my friends gathered to go to Turkey for holidays in May. Gathered five of them. For the week of preparation for the trip they had to swear twice (the first time when choosing a hotel, the second - the choice of the date of departure). Now they are alive, as will lie on the beaches of Kemer and tear on the local discos, passing around whispering that they do not like one or the other party to the trip. In general, the journey to be cheerful - how to combine their interests and views, it seems to me difficult, because now they differ in many ways.
Holidays with friends - it's a good opportunity with these same friends quarrel for a lifetime. It you want?
Leave without family ...
Allow escape from the routine. Yes, your family (whether they are parents, spouse or children) - is, of course, are the closest people to you. And you never give up on them, but believe me - tired irritated homeborn slave is much worse than rested and had time to get bored. So if not for themselves, so at least for his own family did not give up on holiday, even if none of the family will not be able to keep you company.
The family is the company even though the closest, but at the same time the most distant from each other in terms of the interests of the people. Especially if your family already has a few generations. Thus, you are bound to run into the problem where to go, for example, in the evening: the theater, they want parents to the club, as you want for yourself, or children's evening, to desire your children. The same will occur every minute, and you, of course, go for them to compromise. But what I wanted to see for you, you did not see. You dreamed of lying on the beach and read a book, but instead had to spend the whole day in the sun at the zoo with the kids. And a late concert you do not hit, because I had to lay my child to sleep. In short, you have spent a vacation is not for himself but for others.

What to do on vacation without the company? Let's look at some options for vacationers single.

Active tourist
So you're finally in Antwerp. Or in Vienna. Or in London. Or in any other city, you want to see and photograph. And you think that your loneliness spoils all the rest - it's not one to share experiences, just tell nobody that wants to see that already know. And wander through the narrow streets of Naples alone you terribly.
What to do?
Well for starters, remember what actually you come here - to study the culture, traditions and architecture of the city. Believe me, having your company, you are unlikely to see as much detail as alone. Wander through the narrow streets of Naples just need one. One to meet the sunrise on the coast of Australia. One to accompany the sun on the beaches of Brazil. Because these moments will be remembered for a lifetime, and it's a very intimate moment when you open for the whole world, when you understand how it is huge! Dream, floating on the canals of Venice, sitting on the steps of Sacre Coeur, climbing the Norwegian fjords - you alone. The only way you will be able to enjoy the fullness of new impressions that your memory will forever remain as it is new, because no one familiar face will not be associated with those memories.
If you really do not want to wander the streets alone, try to find a company - certainly among tourists in your bus there are those who just like you are interested in architecture or painting, or music. Lonely tourists a lot, and each of them will be happy to keep you company.
Beach tourists
Yes, on the beach, really, I want to have fun: playing volleyball, water skiing, to accompany the next day fun party. But it so happened that this time lying on the beach you will be alone, and that prospect you do not like.
What to do?
Indeed, beach holidays alone can be boring, especially if you are not near major cities, where you can have fun even if you have no friends. Small islands, the closed bay - all this rather involves having a partner or a fun company. But even in the case of absolute beach hermit, you can find a lot of advantages.
Firstly, you will finally be able to just relax. Shut up. To be alone with yourself and be lazy. Yes, perhaps your vacation will not abound impressions and two weeks schedule will be the same: breakfast, sea, dinner, rest by the pool, dinner, sea. But, believe me, this is the mode will give you the greatest relaxation - and soul, and body.
You should not give up the holiday novels - just have to follow some rules. Firstly, be open - you have just a few weeks to ensure that both should know the person and not to spoil his mood (he's also on vacation). Secondly, in any case, do not allow yourself to build far-reaching plans - in most cases resort novels end with the end of the vacation, but if you fail to control your emotions, it may turn out to have a deep emotional trauma. Third, think of failure easily. Do not assume that the person refused to meet with you, because you do not like it, he can not simply be configured to communicate, he wants to be alone. Smile and go in search of a new friend!
Another option of a beach holiday suggests that you join in the fun company for which one more, one less - not much difference. Look among its neighbors about such friends and boldly acquainted. It is not necessary to invent stories - just walk up and tell me what you were alone on this vacation, and you want it to have fun. Most likely, the friendly-minded travelers will welcome you into their ranks.

Pros lonely holidays:

You do not need anyone to coordinate your itinerary, do not need to compromise on their own detriment. You are doing just what you want for you.
A lone tourist is very mobile. If, having gone with someone you can hardly agree and spend the night in a hotel in London-tube (without heating, hot water and toilets), then alone you it would be available. Alone, you can break away from the place at any time and go aimlessly.
Foreign - is not only a new city, places and monuments, it is also the people. I can not imagine a trip abroad without new acquaintances - then why even go? Going on a trip with someone, you are unlikely to be willing to make new acquaintances, still need to devote time to his company. And so - you are free to be friends with someone they like.
If this is your first independent travel, then you can only congratulate - in front of you will have an unforgettable kaleidoscope of emotions, from fear to euphoria and excitement that you can do everything yourself! You can choose a tour, made all the documents themselves boarded the plane, do not confuse flights and find the right bus. You went to all excursions and walked without fear of an unfamiliar city completely independently. This wealth of experience! Do not miss it.  

 Author: Teamo.ru

Tags: loneliness, excuse experience