And smile, no doubt ...

 "Smile - it's flag ship", sung in one famous song. Looking at the shining faces of Hollywood stars, carefully showing the camera her white teeth, it's hard not to believe it. However, many believe that the smile may just happy people, and sometimes happiness is equated with wealth and fame. Are smile - is a consequence of your position, or something more? What it is - the past, present or future?  

In fact, a smile - a situational phenomenon. It is not something permanent and unchangeable, does not capture the moment. It arises as a reflection of the moment, just one second, helping to write another event in memory. Rarely has it been delayed for more than a minute, and this time she is constantly changing. Even posing, a person is not able to maintain "no stretch" smile long enough. This guest never burdens people unnecessarily prolonged presence.

But what point is reflected in the reduction of facial muscles? Most of all - joyful. But if wealth and prosperity - is what not everyone can boast of, the second happy anyway do not pass by any house or an apartment. That's why it's so important to be able to enjoy even the little things - increasing the number of things that bring joy, you increase the number of smiles.

And then - like a chain reaction. Smiled at you - you smiled in response. Smiled a smile. And then - on the street, the city, the river flows smiles. You gave the world a little bit of heat, but it's just another reason to smile again and get back positive emotions? This can continue for a long time. Nimble guest leaves a good memory - many can stay all day in a good mood, just remembering that morning made them smile. It turns out that as a reminder of the past, at the same time smile - is a harbinger of the future and the accompanying people in the present.

However, this is not simply a reflection of pleasant events. It is also a doctor, as well as a powerful incentive for development. With the first statement is pretty clear, because it has been shown repeatedly that it is smile, and even more - laughter - help to recover faster and even strengthen the immune system.

What can help a person smile in development? Here, too, it's pretty obvious. When someone is facing difficulties on the way to the target, it can lower your arms. Despondency and despair consuming power and make it impossible to fight. But you can force yourself to smile. Feel this body immediately respond activation of vital processes, the blood will run faster, and soon people will feel a surge of new forces, so - before it will open new opportunities to achieve the goal.

Tags: mood, smile