Trendy hairstyles winter

 Those who are close to fashionable views, one can easily note the indispensable trend: as soon as the clothes there are more eclectic and more imagination, so as soon as there is an incredible variety in make up and hairstyles. And if designers proclaim some one base image (such as all overexposed "true lady"), then the person becomes somehow boring and the same type.  

So it is necessary to enjoy the moment and the fact that today addiction Haute Couture range from Gothic Middle Ages to chemically bright eighties. It is clear that all this hard drive into a single trend makeup. Hence the set of images that can be taken as a basis. And no matter how naughty or were your own hair, this diversity makes it possible to choose an actual variant hairstyles.

And the first thing that strikes the eye that stops the absolute realm of long hair, which created problems for several seasons for lovers of short haircuts. Now short hair is absolutely equal rights, and it brings a certain novelty in your appearance.

However, concessions are made is still not up to the end. Mowing should be feminine, with clear margins in the style of the sixties. Base should be such famous hairstyles of the last century, as Sasson, square or bob. Naturally, the head of this should be smooth, without any curly with bangs and graphic lines of the silhouette.

Typically, the length in such a haircut is not below the lobe, but the length of the bangs can be different. If you close the romantic image of a young fresh virgin, you should give preference to thick hair (as an example we can recall a young Mireille Mathieu). The use of strong fixing styling will create contrast, coldish, very graphically the image with a completely smooth hair. By the way, both versions look good in a business setting, and therefore suitable for the business woman.

But at any length of your hair (and it is strictly a matter of fact, no one is going to regulate) it is desirable nevertheless emphasize bangs. And this is also a feature of this season. More recently, we talked about equal to the length of hair, bushy curls framing your face, and now we offer the most daring experiments with it bangs.

This can be a long and very thick "French" fringe; at least long, but strongly thinned tapering; strictly aligned along the line of eyebrows raised, or two or three fingers above it; asymmetric or made sharply on the bias ... Whatever you choose, remember that the fringe implies special requirements for make-up and placed in a special accents. For example, if you "stepped up" and left eyes pale lips, and then the curtain length bangs, then "lost" almost all face.

Since traditions for business women still require a more formal appearance, will always remain among the favorites and high beam at the back. That's just in the coming season, he gets a little bit more liberated and flirty look. On the one hand, it has become more democratic - it seems that the strands so carelessly put together, that some of them randomly sticking out in different directions (but we all know how much effort it cost negligence in fact!).

On the other hand, the usual beam in the form of a tight rakushechki cluttered with intricate detail and decor - twisted strands of different colors, thin braids, asymmetry, hairpins unusual shape. And the rest of the hair on my head does not have to be perfectly smooth. Today, it is quite possible that they were a little wavy, and the individual strands can be sputtered.

But long "horse" tails of straight hair, which were so popular a few seasons, apparently forgotten. Preference for a while (I think, a fairly short period of time) is given tight decorative braids. Vividly was beaten in the collection of Givenchy, where almost all models were adorned with a crown in the form of clarified braids. Where all of a sudden the idea that served as a role model for Ukrainian "gas princess" Yulia Tymoshenko, when in fact the collection is dedicated to the famous artist Frida Kahlo.

But Spit today can be not only a crown around the head. Ironically, in these demanding fashion houses, like Ferretti or Hermes, casually woven braid is used as a means of emphasizing certain bohemian appearance, its democracy. And it does funny leverages braids eternal "terrible child" Haute Couture John Galliano.

But still retained the master of scissors and a comb and some more familiar to us silhouettes. Still remain relevant freely flowing curls with a light wave and parting. However, if the summer wave was almost along the entire length of hair, now crown remains smooth, and a hint of curls moved only on the best ends. In principle, it looks very Hollywood-style, in the old traditions of the great movie stars.

Tags: hairstyle