Top 10 fashionable hairstyles 2009

 According to statistics, the majority of women visiting the hairdresser every 1, 5 months to refresh hair, perform color and so on. Peak visits beauty salons have to replace the fashion (and, of course, natural) season - because every woman wants to be always the most stylish. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady review fashionable hairstyles winter 2009, among which everyone will be able to choose what is right for her.  

Save neat, elegant hairstyle in winter any woman is much more complicated than in the warmer months. Here and hats, and sudden changes in temperature, and the maximum number of fixing means, and a host of other harmful factors. In general, we have to look for those options that do not damage the image does not require too much effort and at the same time remain within the fashion mainstream.

This winter was lucky fashionistas. Stylists offer enough moderate options besides at a rare variety of options and the absence of frank extreme, who sinned, say, the summer season 2008. In this case, we see a lot of retro references, but without direct citation obsessive. It is proposed mainly very feminine hair length - from shoulder level and is much lower. Welcome and easy negligence in her hair.

1. Hair Accessories

They are characterized mainly for outdoor summer hairstyles. However, this winter is making some touch of accessories in a series of games too seriously and thoroughly classic versions. If we consider that a very popular "Hats" winter-2009 is a great surround the hood, the various bands, barrettes, hoops will be quite appropriate. However, some trends, bright highlights in this.

For example, La perla offers popular in the last season wide elastic bands, andDonna Karan --Colored artificial flowers.

2. Smooth

This proposal stylists can be considered the exact opposite of the previous one. If the use of accessories implies a certain playfulness, additional embellishment, the smooth little head - ittop laconic. Perhaps it is possible to consider this winter the best option for business hairstyles.

In addition, it is very comfortable in the cold when it comes to going to the headgear. Of course, that in this case you have to use the most powerful locking means (in the first place - gel). In this case, the tips of the hair can be casually fluff.

3. Negligence

If you seem smooth hair accessory complexed "man in the muffler", you should turn to other options proposed in this winter stylists.

One such option -easy bohemian negligence. By the way, it is well matched with the clothes in the popular winter season 2009 rock or punk style. Such a mess on the head when you can create any length of hair. Enough simply unkempt, easily beat his fingers and fix any suitable means.

4. Released strand

If completely messy and disheveled hair, on the contrary, you seem somewhat unkempt or even vulgar, you can use another method which is very popular this winter. We are talking about individual strands like vybivshihsya of hairstyles and casually go down on your face. Prerequisite - released this strand should be long enough, below the earlobes.

5. Curly

Perm curls into steep for several seasons in a row does not appear explicitly in the stylistic hits. However, professionals are not in a hurry to completely abandon this method.

So this season, we can see the images, which are used in curls. And also reinforced lightweight fleece. Basically, it refers to the retro image - for example, a large wave in the style of 70's or even some medieval curls.

6. Dark hair

Hair color palette this season is very soft and natural, devoid of any extreme shades. Almost not represented classic blond. On the whole palette rather dark than light.

And even appear brunette or dark-haired, which, however, have a soft dark shades in a natural palette of autumn. Very carefully this winter should treat highlighting and coloring of. They may be lighter than the shade of only one or two colors.

7. Long

"Spit to the waist" - This, of course, brute force. However, you should pay attention to the fact that many stylists gladly beat this winter very long hair.

It looks very simple: a straight or side parting lines plus smooth strands loose on the back or chest. The length can be up to or even below the waist. And that means it's time to think about hair extensions. Alas, other opportunities quickly get luxurious long hair do not.

8. Bang

Stylists this winter clearly prefer open foreheads. Hair parted just share and lowered soft strands. If you choose a square or other medium-length hair, the hair can also be parted in front or comb hair to one side with a sort of Hollywood negligence.

But if you do choose a bang, then it should be a so-called French bang, that is, starting almost from the middle of the crown.

9. Wave

In general, the mood of this winter looks quite calm and respectable. Echoes of Hollywood glamor this season can be seen, perhaps, only in the use of curls that fall elaborate soft waves. Best of all it looks like the hair of medium length soft shades. This is reminiscent of the style icons, as were Hollywood actresses in the 40-50-ies.

10. A beam

Perhaps, this option can be considered one of the few extravagant proposals stylists. We are accustomed to thinking beam accessory rather business dress code, but that came up this season stylists, generally bears little resemblance to the business style.

Beam in this embodiment resembles something casually stranded in the most unexpected parts of the head - on top, on the temple, at the back, almost above the forehead. However, in conjunction with, say, a business suit, it looks funny and playful. If you are ready for such experiments - go for it.

Laying without problems

Beautifully put hair, having spent a minimum of time and nerve cells - the dream of every woman. To learn this art, you should know a lot of tricks. For Example,

Means for styling should be used very sparingly, otherwise they will play with you a cruel joke: in the morning in the mirror you will look great, but in the afternoon, after a long stay in the room, they become heavy greasy strands.

Start drying and styling with bangs and sideburns - here hair dries very quickly, and if you pay attention to them in the least, they will shape spontaneously, and, most likely, not the way you want.

"Pacify" curly or thick hair will be easier if you put on them before laying a little smoothing agent.

Thin sparse hair will look more volume if wet strands cause spray volume (even for thin hair gel texture too heavy) and dry the hair dryer, head bent forward.

Lisa Fedorova

Tags: hairstyle, actress