How to avoid mistakes in the dyeing of hair?

 Look beautiful and fashionable want at any time of the year. But with the onset of autumn, most women own reflection in the mirror is not happy. An urgent need to do something with his head. But what? Paint? Curl? How to create a new image, without damaging the hair at the same time? We asked about it and that's what stylists recommendations received.

Restore hair back their health.

Summer heat, searing sun, salt water - all this order tired our hair. Purchase a nourishing mask and Balm-conditioner. Finances allow - a course of caring procedures in the cabin. No - the popular "old wives' recipes is also quite effective. The main thing is to choose the procedure for your hair type.

Dreaming of curls?

Do not skimp, choose an experienced specialist in a good salon. You have to offer at least 2-3 technology wave: "bio-wave", "silk wave", "angel curls" gentle Japanese technology - all of which should be in the arsenal of a good salon.

Various methods allow to take into account features of your hair is - is the key to long-term effect and minimum risk to the health of the hair. On whether your hair is colored as to whether previously permed, relaxed, and if in good health, will depend on the choice of the chemical composition and winding technology.
Inexperienced master can not keep the temperature properly screwed on bobbins, win and break the hair. But if you're confident in your hairdresser - why not make a beautiful perm, because the curls are so many.

Blonde or brunette?

Technically new hair color is dictated by the source. If you are by nature brunette and do not want to become discolored, your hair can be lighter on 1-2 pitch, no more. And if the hair is lightened, and you want the raven, when they wanted to not darken more than 2-3 colors, and the color is dirty, spotty.

Fashionable colors.

"Today, in a fashion brown color, cool shades of brown - both dark and bright - says JustLady stylist Masha Chickenpox. - Do blondes in favor sand shade. Plus eighties style with tousled hair and "wild" colors - pink, red and so on. "

Age dictates.

"We must remember that over the years, the skin darkens, and light hair color is refreshing," hiding "wrinkles - says stylist Vladimir Stolz. - If you are 20 years went black, then 45 years old or older, he has not exactly fit - emphasize the age and add extra rejuvenate. Even nature itself does hint: graying light, dark frame does not need a mature person.

Coloring instead of highlighting.

The contrast highlights - white on dark hair strands a la zebra irrevocably gone out of fashion. It is better to seek the play of light on the hair differently - the selection of multiple tones. Obtained "radiant" hair - and it's really beautiful and fashionable.

Hair color and your time of year.

Practitioners hairdressers, colorists, choosing the right color, it is advised to come not only from the requirements of fashion, but also the appearance of the four types, which are determined by the names of the seasons.

Spring - Bright blonde with almost "transparent" complexion and peach blush without blueness.

Yes I Am - All "warm" blond tones from light wheaten to intense honey color, plus glimpses of golden locks on.
No - Flame-red color; all dark browns.

Autumn - Blond-haired or blonde with a reddish tint warm; complexion - from ivory to yellow, often without a blush.

Yes I Am - All red and brown tones, tending to gold or copper, for example, golden-orange, Titian-red, chestnut and walnut.
No - Light blond color; bluish-purple tones.

Winter - Brunette; brown hair with dark brown ash shine; milky complexion without blush or olive with a bluish tinge.

Yes I Am - All browns, emphasizing the natural dark hair, blue-black and blue-violet variation.
No - All options are clarified and brown with a gradient in warm copper tones.

Summer - Hair usually ashy hue; facial skin is delicate, light, almost milky or rosy.

Yes I Am - All ashy shades, light and dark brown tones, gray hair.
No - All gold, copper, reddish shades

What you can do at home

▪ Use foam tinting. This method of coloring the easiest - you will not need any cap or applicator or brush, and most foam can be used like a regular shampoo. If you have a lot of gray hair - get the effect of highlighting.

With every wash head color will gradually disappear altogether and go for about the 10th time. In tinting means peroxide content is minimal, so they do not harm the health of the hair.

▪ Highlighted. In this case, the stylists are advised to follow the rule "less is better".

▪ Dye yourself. Do not think that the intrinsic color of the "etched" only at clarification. All proof paints contain strong chemicals that can harm if left on the hair for too long, or use more often than once a month.

Another danger - to be mistaken with the color. Dyed locks in "tone mapping" that you show in the store, artificial and was originally white. Because their color is often only vaguely reminiscent of the result, which will turn on your hair. As a result, your hair can be colored too hard or do not buy the shade.

If the result of coloring you do not like, have patience. Re-paint can at least 3 weeks. Otherwise you put chemicals on top of chemicals, hair loose and start to break down. If the "unbearable" - please contact the salon, only an expert is able to determine that your hair will be able to survive.

Keep the color for a long time.

Usually after coloring in the cabin or home coloring (made strictly according to instructions) paint does not tarnish about 1, 5 months. Prolong the effect can be, adhering simple rules:

▪ Do not paint the freshly washed hair

▪ Do not wash your hair for two days after painting - pigments penetrate deeper into the hair structure.

▪ Acquire tools for hair care with a mark «color save», designed for your tint (for dark, red or blond hair, with silver or gold effect).

▪ Use the shading means. But in order not to spoil what made the master in the cabin, choose a shade as close as possible. Many manufacturers palette of shades foams as wide as in paints.

▪ Do not abuse hot hair dryers and irons.

Correct hairdresser.

Today, women are well versed in the trends - Leaf fashion magazines, watch TV, as a rule, well-chosen tools for hair care. So your stylist should not only be professional hairdresser, but also a psychologist. Maybe you just want to treat yourself going to the salon, and not to make a "revolution in the head." A good stylist will understand: warm tea, conversation and styling - and a good mood for the month you provided.

Tags: hair, bug staining