IF YOU dye your hair the first time ...
... And worried regarding color, we recommend that you purchase a foam tinting hair. This method of coloring the easiest - you will not need any cap or applicator or brush, and most foam can be used like a regular shampoo. With every wash head color will gradually descend and after about six weeks will disappear altogether. In tinting means peroxide content is minimal, so they do not harm the health of the hair. This method is also suitable if you need to paint the gray hair - get the effect of highlighting.
If you are ready at great risk ...
... Try highlights. "You do not paint the whole mass of hair, and only a few strands, so the risk is small, - says Dmitry Golubev Moscow stylist working for the fashion magazines and shows designer Igor Chapurin. -Priderzhivaytes Rule "less is better", and you can never go wrong. "
If you are already no stranger ...
... Then you need proof paint. First she pulls out your hair natural pigment, and then introduces the new. "The main danger - to be mistaken with the color, the hair may become too bright or too dark - warnsBeth Minardi, colorist hairdresser Julianne Moore. -K Besides resistant paints contain strong chemicals that can harm if left on the hair for too long, or use more often than once a month. "
IF YOU EXPERIENCE managed to ...
... And permanently dye your hair yourself, feel free to try the technique of staining "tone on tone" followed by highlights. This procedure consists of two stages: first, hair dyed a whole, and then lighten the individual strands. The process takes a few hours, but the result is worth it.
1. Do not paint already dyed hair
If your hair is colored, then repeat the procedure can be no earlier than four weeks. "You apply chemicals on top of chemicals, hair loose and start to break down - warnsBeth Minardi. - If you want to disguise contact the salon - only an expert is able to determine whether the hair stand it. "
2. Do not believe the advertising picture
"The new color depends on the source - warnsStylist Dmitry Golubev. -If You are by nature brunette and do not want to become discolored, your hair can be lighter on one or two colors - no more. And if the hair is lightened, you, on the contrary, does not darken more than two or three colors, and the color is dirty, spotty. "
3. Choose a reliable color
Ten out of ten surveyed hairdressers said: paint must choose one or two shades lighter than your natural color. "The dark color is very difficult to correct. You will need to remove the pigment from the hair structure, and then re-paint. This procedure is in the cabin called "Blondirujushchy remover" and difficult even for a professional - warnscolorist Nelson Chan, responsible for painting blondes Heather Graham and Sarah Michelle Gellar. - In addition, the dark paint is very rich: it sometimes seems that after they are covered with hair like shoe polish. "
4. Read the instructions
In use each color has its own nuances. "The instructions often contain very useful advice - saysMatthew Bee, hairdresser colorist Renee Zellweger and Liv Tyler. - For example, it is not recommended to paint freshly washed hair. It's true: on dirty hair dye be fixed reliably. "
5. Place the experiments
To start color one strand - of course, one that would not then the most conspicuous place. You will not see will look like all the hair, but just know if you can achieve the desired shade.
6. Focus on process
"Turn off the phone and in any case not cook during the application. I know of cases where because of the chicken in the oven hair became gray-brown-crimson "- saysMatthew B. Do not hop off - then it will be difficult to find a place on the hair where you left off. Time staining in different strands get different, and the color will fall unevenly. "Set the alarm - then you will not forget about the paint on the hair" - advises Golubev.
7. Do not play with time
"Most people think that if you leave the paint on the hair for ten minutes instead of twenty-five, the color will be lighter and less bright, - says Beth Minardi. - This is a mistake - washing away the paint in the process of action, you can become the most unexpected colors, such as orange. "
Karina Yegupova