Monthly Horoscope for May 2007

 Beginning of the month may be issued not too successful. In early May due to aspects of the Sun to Saturn and Neptune can be observed decline in health, bad business and financial circumstances. At this time, it is better not to plan new activities and shopping, we can stay without the support, there may be gaps relations. In business, are not excluded delay, loss, fraud, should be concerned about the weakening of power, attacks on reputation.

Middle of the month will take place much more positive, since the number 13 will be felt a burst of energy, new ideas and positive circumstances. Venus in Cancer bring sincerity in communication, pleasant events in the family, and Mercury in Gemini will enhance sociability and intelligence in work and study. The New Moon in Taurus 15-16 numbers will be an important milestone for agricultural and suburban papers. The transition of Mars in Aries will increase physical activity, attraction to the sport, but can lead to negligence in work and minor injuries. After the 17th, along with the growing Moon we will see considerable progress in business, new projects in business. Very active weekend will be held on 19-20 numbers, this time new information, tours, talks, a wide variety of contacts. In the last decade of May comes the reign of Gemini, so in our lives will be more trips, intellectual work. During the period of May 25-27, increased accidents on the road, in business and communication will be more stress, conflict. On the 29th day of the family would be greatly affect our decision, it will be possible to restore family ties, to visit his parents, do documents in house; many will have an interest in reading, the study of history.

It is not necessary to schedule important meetings, shopping and solutions at 1, 6, 9, 16, on 25 May.
And for successful action and interaction can be identified 14, 15, 17, 19-20, May 28.

21.03 - 20.04

In the first half of the month you will be difficult to stir, only 4-5 and 13-14 numbers can be observed bursts of activity. But with the number 15, when Mars moves into your sign, from Aries to wake up the spirit of a leader and pioneer. Will rise in the business, you can work out, start their own business, decisively change their priorities in life. The main thing at this time, to avoid excessive fervor, which usually provokes conflicts and misunderstanding. All of you have time, you should not hurry, both on the road and in dealing with people do not forget about the brakes and the existing rules of the game. In the last third of May your actions become more intelligent, more attention should be given to the family and relatives.
Your days - May 13-14.

21.04 - 20.05

Earlier this month, the star apparently decided to test your strength. Can be felt old chronic diseases may poor rapport with family and superiors, swings with finances, psychological tone is clearly below the norm. Up to 13-16 numbers you need to minimize the losses, not to jeopardize its reputation and avoid unnecessary spending and investment. More successful period will begin after the new moon May 16. You will be able to improve relations with the people regain their strength and resources. More support will certainly friends and relatives during this period can make purchases, networking, relax. At the end of the month is useful to learn some new knowledge, skills, profession.
Your days - May 15.

21.05 - 21.06

At the May holidays, you can relax in a passive manner anywhere in the country or on the Turkish beaches. Interest in the life and work you will wake up with the number 11, when Mercury moves into your sign, bringing with them new meetings, interesting ideas, books and travel. The second half of the month will take much more active, and 18-20 numbers may appear favorable international relations, new proposals for work, study and personal development. The end of the month will be the best for you. With the arrival of its own mark of 21, you will feel a surge of creative energy and inspiration, increased attention from others, you will be a lot of important information. Only 20 and 27 need to maintain the accuracy of the road and in dealing with people.
Your days - May 17-18.

22.06 - 22.07

In the first two weeks of May, some of your plans may slow down due to objective reasons. It is not necessary to worry about it much, if it is not, move it to the second half of the month. Regardless of external circumstances most of Cancers May will be in good spirits as to visit them bestowed Venus. You will be able to enjoy the harmony of family life, to do good purchase for home, work to improve their image. Can activate the old interest in music, painting or poetry, you'll be more likely to respond to an invitation to visit. Some will be able to solve the problems in his personal life, make new friends.
Your days - May 19-20.

23.07 - 23.08

In the first 10-12 days, the stars will shine the bad light. You may experience a serious decline of health, long delays with money, failure in business. You need to wait steadfastly inclement weather, the star, not to risk at work, postpone important events in his personal life. The second half of May should pass more productive. You will rise in business and education, support for the outside world, new initiatives to improve the health and fitness. In the last third of the month there will be many interesting acquaintances, you will be easier to find a common language with others. Life will become more dynamic, rich variety of events. You can participate in public events of interest, friends help you with the implementation of plans.
Your days - 21, 22, May 23.

24.08 - 23.09

Even the usual little things can stop. But there is a chance to make a major acquisition or sale, such as a house or land, take out a loan and update the situation in the apartment. However, after the 10-12 numbers appear marked improvement in business, can open new perspectives in work, school, creative implementation. End of the month will help to establish personal relationships, will bring interesting acquaintances, you can join some clubs, to find like-minded people and make new friends. In this paper a short period you will learn about new technologies, will be able to think of new heights.
Your days - May 24-25.

24.09 - 23.10

The first week of May, in spite of the holidays, it may take quite intense, there may be conflicts with relatives and friends, you can break the communication with some people. But with the number 8 will forget about all the stress, the atmosphere of family warmth and care, will be under the protection of relatives and close friends. In the second half of the month life will be much more dynamic, since May 21, you will support the related element, so to improve the health, will have more freedom in business. 26 numbers, it is important to avoid conflicts and sudden decisions, although someone might specifically take you out of balance. The paper does not lag behind competitors, try to act more decisively and aggressively.
Your days - 26, 27, May 28.

24.10 - 22.11

In the May holidays your health can be fickle, because some work is not so much free time, and even on vacation you may be concerned about the psychological or financial problems. Scorpios in the first two weeks is desirable to avoid unnecessary spending, and at the same time to think of new earnings. After the 12th day of a temporary downturn will pass, you will be able to improve its financial position, to make a good purchase for themselves, gifts for close people, take the time to study and creative projects. In the middle and end of the month can make new contacts, you will learn a lot from others. In the last three days to remind myself relatives and old friends, you can think about going to their homes.
Your days - 2, May 29-30.

23.11 - 21.12

In the first week of May could worsen relations with neighbors or relatives, you need to be careful when traveling, especially abroad. To 13 the number of aspects of Mars and Pluto Sagittarius will face some serious struggle for power and influence. But with 14 stars will be favorable to you, life will be richer and more dynamic, your initiatives will be met with strong support. In the period from May 17 to 20 can occur very important meetings, social events, which allow you to raise your credibility, to expand the sphere of influence. Special good luck waiting for those who are familiar with foreign languages. Over the weekend, 26-27 increases the risk of accidents on the roads, do not forget about insurance and safety, some connections at this time can suddenly break off.
Your days - 4-5, 31 May.

22.12 - 20.01

worries, rest can be interspersed with the work of large acquisitions is better not to plan. However, with 7 or 11 of Capricorns will feel the location of Fortune, which come to you in the form of specific people, reliable partners, pleasant events in love and marriage. In the second decade will be much easier to implement their plans and desires will be a pleasant harmony in personal and family life. You may be invited in good society, there will be valuable assistants in cases intermediaries and consultants that will facilitate you to make the right decision. More attention should be paid to style and image, as his or loved one, from this depends largely on the success of a society.
Your days - 6-7 May.

21.01 - 20.02

The first two weeks of May, your best bet is to dedicate rest, relaxation, creative activities. Business decisions in this period impractical, you may have a seasonal decline of mood, desire for time away from the usual activities. But Aquarians get great emotional charge of communicating with nature, the element of water, dive into the world of music and movies. Active work you need to return after 13-14 numbers. In the second half of May you will find creative impulse, increase intellectual and physical activity. After 21 the number of a good time for shopping, versatile communication, recreation, bright acquisitions and secular life.
Your days - May 9-10.

21.02 - 20.03

In early May, you will have to show character, often defend their position at work and in personal relationships, and 5 and 12 numbers should be protected from injury your health. Tensions subsided after the 13th, when you take a series of arbitrary decisions. The second half of the month will be more comfortable in a business plan, and rich in positive emotions. You are waiting for favorable travel, new acquisitions, pleasant meeting with friends. From the 11th to the 25th day - a good time to meet new people and relax with friends. In the last third of the month will be a lot of valuable information for personal development, can not be excluded Family visits, short trips to nearby cities. From May 29 you will be easier to communicate with those who are dear to you, in addition, may reveal some creative talents.
Your days - May 11-12.

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