Horoscope for the month of June 2007

 The beginning of summer coincides with a large number of complex stellar combinations, especially with regard to love and health. Until June 16-18, we can observe a very unstable situation in the communication and because of the influence of Mars and Saturn. At this time, increased invasiveness and Leo says that children can bring a lot of problems.

You need to carefully take care of yourself to those people who have been heart failure or disease of the spine. Severe fatigue during this period may impair love and romance, difficult position of Venus in Taurus is not conducive to a good purchase and investment funds, there may be errors. Significantly more favorable period awaits us after June 19 will bring peace sign Cancer mood improvement in the domestic sphere and in the housing problem, many will improve the material condition: it will be possible to make large purchases for family, pay off loans, get some unexpected help. After the 24th day, there are many fleeting romances, do not need to make them serious conclusions, although business relations are quite reliable and durable.

It is not necessary to schedule important meetings, shopping, solutions for 4, 14, 16, 18, 21, June.
And for successful action and interaction can be distinguished 2, 3, 6, 10, 23, 26, June 27.

Aries 21.03 - 20.04
In the first half of the summer you may experience a slight decline due to a succession of circumstances not very successful, bringing a lot of problems with children and love impair communication. In the early days may be urgent travel, unexpected news. Two-thirds of June will be a lot of work, overcoming various obstacles, and then, on the contrary, want to drop everything and take a break from the problems. However, a few weeks you can learn a lot, to broaden their experience and intellectual baggage, see new approaches to familiar matters. Only at the end of the month life a little slow, you can pay more attention to the family and loved ones. After the 25th day of a lot of effort can go to solve domestic problems. Care for their parents and other family members can not give you freedom, this time it is not necessary to assign travel and vacation better to spend close to home. This summer, you need to seriously deal with children - their studies, health and education.

Your days - June 19-20.

Taurus 21.04 - 20.05
The most active month for you, for sure, will be in May, and in the early summer of Taurus will address issues of personal relationships. Women can change the image, their views on the beauty and comfort of your life can change friends. Up to 5 numbers can not do shopping, to solve family and personal problems, can come the bad news, temporarily deteriorating health. In the future, due to the financial romanticism small loss may occur, so it is desirable to spend their money is not frivolous, always having a reserve in case of unexpected events. In the middle of the month to 15-18 numbers you can experience a temporary downturn, health-related and uncertainty in their personal lives, there may be some limitations, for example, due to a busy work schedule. With 21 of the stellar situation for you is markedly improved, all the most important landmarks in the summer will be placed, you can safely go about their business. But during the summer, you need to be careful with your health, do not overload yourself hard work in the city or in the country.

Your days - June 21-22.

Gemini 21.05 - 21.06
June - your month, but that does not mean luck and an easy life, on the contrary, the biggest change will be specific to you. Gemini surely want to change much in his life and work, get rid of the old, annoying circumstances and relationships, radically update the ideas and concepts that they follow. If up to 16 numbers you do not decide on any active action, then life will flow continues without sharp turns, but in the first two weeks of a sophisticated travel conflicts with foreigners in trouble with the law. In business, there is a danger of losing independence, get under a strong press circumstances or absorbed by other, stronger companies. On June 17, the most difficult months of the band will be back, you can restore your health, to complete the case, not reached the hands of. After 24 numbers may appear good news on the personal front, and in the last two days of the month will quicken the areas of communication, there will be interesting acquaintances.

Your days - June 23-24.

Cancer 22.06 - 22.07
This summer brings you many important events and while most of them take place in July and the first news may come already from June 3. In the first decade of the month in cancer will have new interests and communication, improve communication with children and families, will be gradually solved some domestic issues. Up to 12 numbers can be purchased vehicles, small household items, indulge in travel and establish kinship and business ties. In general, the beginning and end of the month will be the most successful, both for business and for home and personal development. Prior to joining the 20 numbers, you can be a little in the shade, at this time is helpful to accumulate forces engaged in their health, to solve some internal problems. Time for active foreign activities come together with the onset of your star sign - June 21,. At the end of the month you will be able to improve the welfare of the family, strengthen its credibility and influence in society. For personal life will be more successful second half of July, and now you need to actively conquer new positions to meet influential people in society. Many positive changes expected after the 25th day.

Your days - June 25-26.

Leo 23.07 - 23.08
Most of the summer for you - this is a very difficult period. Planets are forcing many Lions show tough character, stoically endure some difficulties at work, in all cases you may accrue to the most complex jobs. Health - a special point of attention throughout the year, during the period June 15-18, you need plenty of rest, do not take the extra cases, although you exactly in the middle of the month can be unleashed serious problems. Many Lions in June can be a big twists and turns in his career, a dramatic improvement or worsening of the dynamics in the business, nasty blow to the reputation, well-being and, in general, heavy moral overload. You will have to cope with great responsibility, then months of life can change dramatically, you need to be afraid of injuries and shock, observe safety. About social life and any entertainment is better to forget the health of children can be a source of constant worry this month, a certain rise in your life can be expected after July 5. 

Your days - 2, June 28-30.

Deva24.08 - 23.09
The first half of June for your sign is not very favorable, it is a period of instability, unexpected decisions by those people with whom you are closely linked. Up to 5 numbers can be problems with work, superiors or marriage, external relations and reputation - the company will accept no means all your actions. Up to 16 of you will be forced to take well-defined solutions, to repay debts in a professional or family life, to give up some important plans. Later, however, Dev will not have any serious problems. After 21 numbers appear good news, future plans, support and good luck in business. Still, you do not need to hurry up with optimistic forecasts, some things slow down for a month, and you have to carefully deal with them before the end of July. Serious business projects you will also be expected only at the end of next month, so the rest can distinguish the end of June and the first half of July.

Your days - 3-4, June 30.

Libra 24.09 - 23.10
In June, you will be interested in travel, education and expand their horizons. You realize that you can do to learn many things, which previously had to resort to the advice of others. In the first half of the month luck is not on your side, the plans will be many obstacles have to imagine something to deny, if necessary, helping friends and sister organizations. In a joint business and investments up to 15 numbers can be weak returns, and in personal relationships uncertainty or downturn in communication due to being unimportant. The second half of the month for you more successful, Libra will make a good purchase, find successful business partners. In the 20 days there will be new ideas for work, leisure, health, which can change your life. Many business projects you have carefully worked out in the next month, the same can relate to family life and parents.

Your days - June 6-7.

Scorpio 24.10 - 22.11
For you it is a very difficult month, which combines the maximum concentration in the difficult work, as well as the craving for luxury and ill-considered spending, because of which the complicated relationships with loved ones. The first two or three weeks of June can bring quite a lot of tests for your sign. The abundance of hard work will affect the mood swings and the state of health, personal relationships may be separation and anxiety in the business of some obstacles may be replaced by other. However, in the life of the Scorpions for all the complexities definitely a place for favorable developments, especially in the first and the last third of the month. Earlier this month, it will be easier to solve business issues, will be successful missions, increasing education, relations with other countries. At the end of the month will be solved many domestic and financial problems, there should be freedom of movement. Last week of June promises many happy acquisitions and events for your sign.

Your days - June 8-9.

Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
The first half of June will be for you one of the most challenging periods in the year. Can occur suddenly some spending and conflicts, health problems and normal interaction with others, will big payouts for insurance and bank loans. Some Sagittarius may be a confrontation with the staff and the community. Your position may be weaker than usual, even creative work can be tedious and boring. In the first two weeks of any company will be unsuccessful and even at a loss, but in the second half of June, the sharpness of all problems subside, there will be freedom of action, and only after the 16th day you should plan any important business this month. More your sign will not tempt fate, after 16-18 June stars promise a quiet life, and with the number 24 clearly improves the situation in love and marriage may appear pleasant acquaintance.

Your days - June 10-11.

Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
The beginning of summer - not too active for you period, but it brings a lot of important changes in relationships with spouses, business partners and the outside world as a whole. In June, can mature a situation that will become more urgent in July, you will change your circle of friends, establish new contacts with foreign countries and other regions. In the first half of the month it is not necessary to enter into financial ventures, the desire to show off their success will lead to financial costs. For women fashion acquisition will be not too successful. The second half of the month will be more successful from all points of view, both in personal life and in business any difficulties thing of the past. The most favorable period for rest and all family affairs coming in late June, you can discover new classes to attract interesting people in your life closer positions in family communication.

Your days - June 12-13.

Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
The first half of June to mark your winter may be the most difficult and stressful period in the current year. Health or negative news background to 18 the number will greatly limit your activity, Aquarians may face great opposition from business and intractable problems in love and married life. Some ways for you may close, and conflicts will be wearing a pretty harsh nature, it is impossible at this time to ask for help, many will have to work in a hostile environment or with people much inferior in skill and overall development. May feel psychological decline, your interests may suffer due to unfortunate circumstances. To 15 the number of unwanted shop, chances are they will not practical. At the same time, in late June, in many situations you will have to rescue a woman or friends, in complex cases, you'll find beautiful solutions and feel the support of different people.

Your days - June 15-16.

Pisces 21.02 - 20.03
The first half of the summer will be very important for all water signs. Once again you find yourself in the spotlight and will be able to continue the positive changes in their lives. However, in the very first days of June you can shake some unexpected events with family and friends, the organization may cause loss of life due to travel or some stress in the family and at work. The first decade, however, a very good one for communicating with stakeholders, creative people, but up to 16 numbers can vary depending on the circumstances. Only at the end of the month Pisces feel favorable position of the planets will be able to do themselves, children have a good rest, calmly prepare some new items in their activities and work. Last decade of June at all successful for your sign, it can bring a lot of happy meetings, bright and interesting events, improvement in personal and family life, sea and river cruises, as well as addressing psychological problems.

Your days - June 17-18.

Tags: horoscope, June