Horoscope cooking

 Gemini is not very picky eaters. They like to snack on the run a hot dog or hamburger. They never have enough time to do their moral and physical health. For sports it is practically not possible to find the time, but keep an eye on what they eat, Gemini simply must! Do not abuse coffee. It is better to replace it with herbal teas. They are much more useful and calming effect on the nervous system. Eat more asparagus, green beans, celery, carrots, peaches, plums, apricots. The nervous system will greatly help the use of grapefruit, grilled fish, shellfish, grapes and apples. Bronchitis help avoid salad cauliflower. Gemini is recommended to eat more dairy products, since they contain calcium.

Horoscope cooking for Cancers

But Cancers - a gourmet. They are very fond of the national cuisine, but also do not give up food from other countries. Like everything new. Sweets, cakes, sweet cakes Cancer raises your spirits. But do not abuse the sweet. This can be detrimental to health. Cancers need to follow a diet to control your weight. Cancers required element such as calcium fluoride. This element is necessary to be healthy connective tissue and elastic. This item appears in the egg yolks, yogurt, beets, rice, water, fish, oysters. Very useful for cancer cabbage, tomatoes, cheese, milk. These products will help to avoid a lack of calcium in the body. The ideal daily diet of cancer - is fresh fruits and vegetables, some protein. Avoid excessive consumption of sugar and salt, spicy, smoked.

Culinary Horoscope for Leo

Lions - aristocrats. They love to have lunch or dinner for a king. Meal must consist of three dishes and serving alcoholic beverages. They love the luxurious life, which recently took a luxurious meal. Prefer gourmet food and fine wine. In his youth, Lions have excellent health, and keep themselves in good shape. But the Lions on older should pay special attention to proper diet and do not abuse the greasy food. Useful eating almonds, walnuts, lemons, apples, peaches, seafood, egg yolk. Useful, and will be products rich in iron. For example, dates and raisins. Also, it is recommended to eat more fresh fruit. If you want to cook dinner Leo, make sure that the dish was not only delicious, but also beautifully designed. He will appreciate it.

Culinary Horoscope for Virgo

Dev addiction - is expensive drinks, fruit and smoothies. But with alcohol they should be very careful, because their digestive system is very sensitive. And in order to have good health, they need to follow a diet. Make sure that your food was not spicy. Not worth it strongly seasoned with spices, limit yourself to use roasted. Eat more fresh vegetables. The benefit to you will not fatty meat, yogurt, bread, eggs, cottage cheese. Very useful lemon juice, but to sweeten it, it is better to use honey. If Dev happened indigestion, herbal teas can help. It is necessary to be careful with chocolate, it can be a cause of allergies.

Culinary Horoscope for Libra

But Libra - very real sweet tooth. In a meal, they are only interested in dessert. Balance is very useful for an element such as sodium phosphate. Replenish its reserves in the body to help foods such as raisins, asparagus, strawberries, peas, carrots, radishes, tomatoes, oatmeal, brown rice. Diet for Libra to be very low in sugar and fat. It is recommended to use a lot of fried fish, not greasy pork or veal, yogurt, corn bread and salads. The same should drink plenty of water kollichesvo. This will help the body get rid of toxins. Minimize the consumption of carbonated beverages and alcohol. The use of these drinks detrimental to the work of the kidneys.

Horoscope for culinary Scorpions

My favorite food Scorpions - is erotic. And when it is sharp and seasoned with spices, they can not break away from it. You are unlikely to meet the Scorpion - vegetarian. But, unfortunately the Scorpions, the use of oily and spicy food is very bad for their health. They need to follow a diet and do not abuse alcohol. Their problems, they prefer to turn off the liquor, and it has a bad effect on their well-being and appearance. Their body just needs an element such as calcium sulfate. It helps to cope with colds, infections, promotes rapid healing of wounds. This element contains products such as cabbage and cauliflower, tomatoes, prunes, radishes, cherries, onions, nuts. Their body is useful and calcium, which is found in milk, cheese, yoghurt. Avoid the use of abundant food. And refrain from eating at night. It is better to drink kefir or tea.

Culinary Horoscope for Sagittarius

Sagittarians real experimenters. And eating too. Although in the end, preference is given to the local cuisine, do not disdain and spirits. Sagittarius should limit itself to the use of fatty foods and alcohol. This complicates the work of the liver. It is better to lean on fruit and vegetables, figs, strawberries and pears, potatoes, cereals, egg yolks. Elements contained in these products will help your nervous system to be in order. Harmful to the archers are various fats, chocolate, candy, butter and cream. Eating a day should be at least 4 times a day, but gradually and drink plenty of fluid kollichesvo. Include in your menu, grilled fish, tomatoes, asparagus, cherries, eggs, lemons, brown rice.

Culinary Horoscope for Capricorn

Best food for Capricorns - a food rich in calcium and protein. It will help to ensure that the bones, teeth, skin will always be in good condition. Capricorns are not really pay much attention to food intake. They are characterized by the fact that for the whole day they can eat nothing, only a couple of times a bite sandwiches, and dinner eat everything that is on the table. Capricorns love hot and spicy food. But we should be more careful with it, and pay more attention to the intestines. For the formation of bone tissue responds calcium phosphate, namely it and not enough in the body of Capricorn. Fill up this stuff will help figs, lemons, cabbage, oranges, spinach, peas, almonds, potatoes. Do not forget about the food rich in calcium. Eliminate from your diet as much as possible refined sugar and chocolate. These products have a detrimental affect on your skin.

Culinary Horoscope for Aquarius

As for Aquarius, their optimal food - it's vegetarian. That the weight of the body has always been normal, and enough energy for life, you need a healthy and balanced diet. If some idea fascinated with the head of Aquarius, that due to lack of time, he could not think of a normal diet. In this case, they will eat on the go or in a cafe. A very important element for the body of Aquarius is common salt. But it is better to use those products that are rich in it. And rich in salt, ocean fish, shellfish, spinach, oysters, radishes, corn, almonds, walnuts, apples, lemons, peaches, oranges. Do not abuse fats. As well, it is recommended reduce the consumption of coffee, it contributes to overstimulation. And help relax Aquarius herbal teas.

Culinary Horoscope for Pisces

Fish by nature very romantic. They prefer a romantic candlelight dinner. Prefer Chinese and Thai dishes, like seafood. Fish love to be pampered gourmet food and good drinks. This is probably the only sign that you need to make a minimum of effort to maintain excellent health until old age. To do this, they need a balanced diet and at least exercise. Fish body needs iron phosphate. Eating lean beef, liver, egg yolks, kidney, spinach, onions, figs, raisins, apricots, grapes, lemons, apples, their bodies will not be lacking in this matter. Try to minimize the use of salt and coffee, and do not abuse alcohol.

Horoscope for Aries cooking

If circumstances require, Aries can safely snack on the go. But he is not vseravno that he eats. In the food he is not fussy, likes simple but quality food. Since Aries traveler by nature, and loves to try something new, exotic food. But his preference still remain sharp, spicy and fried foods. Aries are very useful for products in which the high iron content. This element will keep apricots, molasses, prunes, radishes, meat. Among Aries rare fat people. Although acute and fried foods, which are so fond of the people of this sign to other sign immediately affect the figure. And to Aries always be in a good mood, to include in its diet as much as possible of fresh fruits and vegetables.

Culinary Horoscope for Taurus

Calves are big fans of good food. Because they eat a lot and do not want to play sports, with age, they gain weight significantly. Especially necessary for an organism Taurus sodium sulfate. Replenish its reserves in the body to help beets, asparagus, cauliflower, spinach, cucumber, onions, nuts, cranberries. Food-lovers should include in your diet celery. After a hearty lunch, it will help burn fat. Great importance to the organism Taurus is water. Some Taureans are possible problems with the thyroid gland. In this case, include in your diet foods that contain iodine. This may be fish and other seafood. Taureans feel a weakness for sweets, and can not stand fast food that does them credit.

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