Horoscope 2007

 On the eastern calendar this year of the Fire Pig. It promises to be much more successful last year. Jupiter - the most powerful of the good planets - will be favorable for him in the sign of Sagittarius. This gives reason to hope that in our country there will be more order and improve the lives of Russians. Today we tell you what specifically is worth waiting for representatives of all the zodiac signs.  


 It.In a career and finances this year a little better today, but major changes are expected. Do not be discouraged if you do not take more than a high position (although it can offer you in May): success will bring stability. In love, a full order, but in the second half of June to resist the temptation: it can complicate your life.

It. You will be able to make significant progress up the career ladder if you just bygones colleagues and relatives. Be attentive to detail. And it is - especially in April - will allow you to not only increase revenue but also to arrange their own happiness.


It. Finally, good luck to you smile! Misty career prospects will become a reality. In January - February, there will be many new contacts - be careful with business partners, do not look for a quick profit. The best time for marriage is November.

It. Close people with their problems will require your attention - do not deny them care costs will pay off handsomely. Your official position tough, but possible career development. In early spring, you will learn what true love (married ladies pleasantly surprised by your own spouse).


It. The main task - to take advantage of the achievements of the past year and build on the success - there is a chance that your savings will multiply. Refrain from unnecessary spending, gambling, questionable financial companies - can burn. In August and early September may have unexpected expenses. Unmarried meet many beautiful women, but Betrothed unlikely to appear on the horizon.

It.Your current income will increase slightly, but you deserve excellent reputation and enhance its status. From 12 April to 10 May may have a romantic relationship, about which you dream about, but to order a wedding dress - at least until 20 December - do not rush.


It. This year will be much better off today. If offered a more interesting job - agree, even if the money did not win: the risk is justified. From September until the end of the year you will be lucky in love: you can flirt, marry - everything will be yours.

It.It is not necessary unless it is absolutely necessary to change their place of work, study, specialty - it is likely that you and without fuss by the autumn will be able to improve the financial situation. In May - June, you have the chance to meet someone worthy not only love, but also a wedding ring. Married is better not to go far for a long time.


It. A great year for a career - you can realize your ideas and superiors appreciate your contribution. Since the beginning of the year until the spring of your relationship with your beloved will be difficult. But in the last days of summer you will be a success on all fronts.

It. Winter exercise caution in the service: last year's problems may emerge. By the summer of their decision to bring you success. Unmarried in early February may be a strong feeling that the summer will be able to "grow" in a serious relationship. And the autumn will bring new revenues and new fans.


It.The new year may bring new service problems, but you'll quickly they decide. Closer contact with financial documents and checks, from June to September, do not sign contracts serious, but since October, you can unexpectedly improve the financial situation. In cases amorous you - a storm of passion. But who said it was a bad thing? With a stamp in the passport is better to do nothing: there - let it be, no - maybe not.

It.In this paper we'll be stably and safely. Do not try to jump over his head - everything will come. August - good times in all spheres of life. And the unmarried can in October - November marry.


It.At work, you may find yourself faced with a choice between prestige and money. Ironically, any solution would be the best - you'll get exactly what you want. Employment join in spring and late summer - early autumn you will very happy in my personal life.

It. It's time to clean up the mess in the affairs comfort in the home and take advantage of new opportunities that will open the service. In his career, by the way, no changes are expected. But in September, you will be able to create an almost perfect union with your loved one. If you want to - to make your relationship official.


It.Relax and do not aspire to drastic changes. Work peacefully, make sure that expenditures do not exceed revenues, avoid gatherings, exotic trips, any risk. Do not make expensive "profitable" shopping: You can make a mistake ... But in all the family will be just fine. And if you do not accidentally married in September (or October) can offer the hand and heart of a lovely lady.

It. Year will bring new trouble and a lot of useless Affairs 'tied' to the work he loves. More communicate with relatives, old friends, colleagues - it will facilitate you to solve many problems. In late January, the love fill your life with new meaning.


It. In front of you - an unusually good year. Things go up the hill, and after them - and wealth. In fully implement its ambitious ambitions, presiding co-workers and his wife, in general, the parade commander. Favorable time for important changes in all spheres of life come in the fall and will last until the end of the year

It. You will be able to get all of what you are missing, and on the job. In August - September likely flattering offers, and one of them, you may want to take, but take our word for anyone not to be. In January - February and perhaps a strong mutual feeling, but the decision to postpone marriage advise the end of 2008.


It. This year will be more complex and interesting present. It is possible that you have a change of leadership and to succeed you need new knowledge. Do not be afraid to change - this will ensure your well-being and peace in the family. And unmarried until the spring can find the ideal life partner.

It.You can search for a new job or school - would be the best choice, but if you do not have enough money - you will have new sources of income. And new boyfriend. But if you did not dare to marry until February, further to the end of the year rush this is not necessary.


It.You have to be extremely successful year - you will be able to succeed at work, pay off debts, to solve financial problems and realize their ideas. For this you may need to take in the early autumn responsible post. In private and family life and do all rosy.

It. You decide to long-standing problems, but do not tell anyone about their intentions. In March and November, you can offer lucrative contracts. But too fast career growth could complicate relations with loved ones, so do not become conceited!


It. Year will be happy for you: you will be able to climb the ladder, to strengthen the authority in the family, but earnings will grow until not much. Questions competitors and detractors try to resolve peacefully. The best period for the tender feelings and romantic relationships will be late spring (April - May).

It.Year will be peaceful and happy, without too much difficulty. Unless you create them yourself, too fascinated solution to the problems of friends and relatives, and such problems they may have in September. Do not forget about yourself and your horizon this year will be cloudless, but a new meeting may give rise to a long love.

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