Zodiacal sex

 In various books on astrology can be found sexual characteristics of a particular zodiac sign. Some signs can be derived from the general characteristics as a whole.

All have different attitudes to astrology. But definitely in this science is something there. For example, I often can guess about the man: Here's a typical fish or natural cancer.

In short, what is written in the subject literature, at least in part significantly. A personal and vicarious experience allows you to make additional conclusions and generalizations. However, in the literature, this does not say how to better co-exist in bed with a man who has some characteristics of the zodiac. And an interesting question, meanwhile.

And even if you do not believe in horoscopes, your partner may have any of the following characteristics attributed to men born under different signs of the zodiac.

Aries (March 21-April 20)

In the erotic male Aries sometimes considered rude and unrestrained. And, as stated in the chart, "it hurts hurts the slightest hint of his sexual inadequacy."

What to do: Sometimes perceived as rude some role-playing game. When all the "sharp, hard and fast." If rudeness prevails over all other manifestations, gently refocus partner tenderness. Not forgetting that it hurt the slightest hints. Therefore use in this case it is better not words, but actions and soft touch. And Aries most notorious workaholics. So it is necessary to establish in their life balance between labor and sexual processes.

Taurus (April 21-May 20)

One of the most peaceful and balanced characters. Say, Taurus can be very long put out, however, if it brought forth ... It is a sign of the earth element. Based on the astrologers claim that male Taurus is not among the sophisticated and refined lovers. In general, "yes - simplicity, no - a fantasy." While Taurus and passionate. My "second love" was a Taurus - can join these characteristics.

What to do: Trying to achieve diversity by connecting to business own imagination. And since Taureans love the openness, better to speak the words. Hints and tricks they do not perceive. However, if a comrade strongly opposed to any innovation, it is difficult to "break." For it is also one of the most stubborn marks.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Appreciates the romance that envelops and their sex life. Write at the same time that sex male twins do not love a woman as long as he can at this moment. And still requires care, including, and in bed.

What to do: Cultivate something positive, that is. So, try to make sexual relations glamor (starting with the banal "sex by candlelight" and ending with the creation of their own image - an unpredictable and mysterious). Likes to care? Ok, sometimes you can play in imperious lady erotic determine the course of the process.

But the love of self, the only costs a little to distract - creating a mysterious image with a touch of self-centeredness. Carried away by the game, where sexual activity male twin to be entirely focused on the satisfaction of your whims and desires.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Among other features of male cancer called selfishness and self-confidence. While Cancers are gentle and emotional, although care primarily about their own satisfaction. Sometimes it is even considered to "sexual cynics." Another male crabs more than others tend to sadism and is the ideal partner for girls with masochistic tendencies. Personal experience: all this has some truth

What to do: The fact that the twins - in terms of distraction from you only. However, in respect of all actions Cancer should be diplomatic in nature. Painfully we Cancers sensitive.

Well, as regards sadism - you just have to determine for yourself the permissible limits. After masochism at least in the most minimal doses is inside most of us. At the level of love tingling, for example.

Leo (July 23-August 23)

They are generally more prone to other signs of narcissism and self-centeredness. It can be carried on a sexual relationship. But foreign confidence in Leo lives uncertainty - it is constantly afraid of being subjected to ridicule.

What to do: Keep a careful balance. On the one hand, lower overly enthusiastic Lion is on the ground, and on the other - to spare his gentle soul.

Virgo (August 24-September 23)

Virgin for life are considered the most meticulous and neat sign. If making love in front of your partner five times straighten the sheets and generate For further artillery preparation - certainly before you Virgo. But they are very affectionate and even different definitions timidity. Virgin can satisfy the most sophisticated needs of women. The only thing that prevents them - increased desire for clarity and simplicity. And sex is bad defies logic.

What to do: Impromptus and more surprises. Sex in unexpected places, at unexpected times, surprising pose - what you need in order to shake the darling rationalism.

Libra (September 24-October 23)

They always ambivalent, and they all always not very yasno.V general, says that men are torn between the external balance calm harmony and invincible attraction to women. According to the principle of "I want it now."

What to do: Use for their own benefit, but to take into account their own strength and desire.

Scorpio (24 October-23 November)

Sex with Scorpio is very interesting. For men of this sign have a bright sexual temperament and capable of the most unexpected things, including in bed. They are madly fascinated the process of erotic games.

What to do: Comply with, including his erotic fantasy and other at full power.

Sagittarius (November 23-December 21)

"He appreciates a woman supported him his self-esteem," - says the horoscope.

What to do: In general, the approach is almost like the Lion. That is the balance between praise and "ground".

Capricorn (22 dekabrya- January 20)

Like other Earth signs, it differs clarity and rationality. As closed: is your erotic mystery in itself.

What to do: Try to "reveal" his bed. Step by step "spinning" on fantasy. And yet, as in the case with the Virgin - more impromptu and surprise. In order to win the logical rationalism.

Aquarius (21 January-20 February)

According to a known vulgar jokes, men are divided in their orientation to e ... -nadomnikov and pi ... -zadushevnikov. So, Aquarians are probably on their classification to the second. Intimate conversation to the desired sex. Plus they like to reflect on the spirit of "and whether or not, and whether and what this implies." Woman in bed Aquarians obey willingly, because they too lazy to initiate anything.

What to do: This air sign stands to land and stir. Offer, for example, as a game change roles when you just lie, and he doeth with you whatever they want.

Pisces (Feb. 21-March 20)

Pisces men are very sensual and intuitive. They are shrewd and capable to guess sexy secret desires of women. The only - they do not like their penetration into thin soul.

What to do: Enjoy their sensuality and intuition. Still, try to learn to read his mysterious soul, by trial and error. In order to achieve mutual harmony when guessing desires mutually.

Of course, should not be taken literally all of the above. Nevertheless, every joke, as we know, there is some truth.

Tags: sex