Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

 Amanda Seyfried - the heroine of the latest issue of the magazine W Magazine - fresh and good as spring.
Just a few years in the movie Amanda Seyfried much grown up, gone from romantic Sylvia ("Time") to the infamous Linda Lovelace ("Lovelace", a film about heroin "Deep Throat"). She managed to loudly declare itself: the role of Amanda painted for the next three years, it is now zaydestvovana 6 major projects.
This evolution has occurred in the image of women: in the April issue of W she is seductive and elegant. In the photo Amanda Seyfried in jewelry and clothing Chanel, arrow and bright lipstick. Modesty - is definitely not about her.

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot

Wild Amanda: W Magazine photoshoot