Sexy horoscope. September 2007

 Comes first month of autumn. Sun in Virgo, and the main condition for Dev harmonious sex should be complete comfort. It is important to hear myself and partner, and only your mutual desire will make these August night truly memorable.

AriesThis month your mood will have to be alone. It's time to think, what you finally want from him. Listen to the wind outside, enjoy the sunset sky, in a word, as the Japanese say, engage in contemplation. Connect with nature, you will intuitively find the answers to all the questions. Ask yourself whether you are honest enough in their sexual desires?

Taurus, Do not use too much perfume, essential oils and other fragrances. Remember that natural flavor of the body - the most exciting and the most unique. Peak sexual energy Taurus will have at the end of the month. So you have time to get ready for a romantic rendezvous.

GeminiYou should warm up your imagination - read erotic novel or watch a good erotic movie. After that, your intuition and creativity in bed will increase significantly. Try not to talk a lot - specific words and do not leave room for imagination, and what you feel, tell your eyes and hands.

Cancers, Stay a little naughty girl. Silk, lace, bows ... One has only to start and you will be surprised how organic you succeed. Do not forget to take photos in this age of digital printing, you can do anything. Then they themselves will enjoy themselves!

Lions, The beginning of the month will be held for you under one motto - "would rather evening! ". All sexual energy stored in the summer sun, wants to boil over. Do not limit yourself. And do not think about the partner. If he is not satisfied, then it simply will not steam.

Virgin, Physical fatigue and nervous exhaustion will affect your sex life in the middle of the month. Do not force yourself to do something you do not want - all in time.

ToWeights this month - a bouquet of surprises. Your partner will certainly appreciate something new and unexpected. You should also try to surprise him. Dinner by candlelight on the floor, an unusual scent of your body, incendiary Oriental dance ... Let your imagination run wild, and finish the role until the end!

ScorpionsYour conflicts with your partner - it is simply a consequence of fatigue. Do not pay attention to it. Day can defend their interests and to accuse him of being too callousness and carelessness. At night, behave like newlyweds. Loud, silent caress, fulfillment of all his desires ...

SagittariansThis month you want to change. Stars predict your outing. Night at the camp under the rain, the morning mist over
forest - what could be better? Let him see that even in an old jeans and sneakers, you can not look less sexy.

CapricornsDo not listen to other people's gossip - people saying things about you because of envy. Trust only your heart, and it says that all will be well. Your partner now faces a choice. Do not force it.

AquariansThis would be the best month to buy different sexual veshchichek that will be useful to you in the future. Do not forget about beautiful lingerie, it is never enough. And it's time to change your silk robe to something more transparent and long. Sexually, there are no trifles.

Fish, The probability of a serious quarrel with a partner. Do not despair. And what's not, do not blame yourself. Time will pass, and he realizes that he was wrong. A reconciliation is known to be particularly stormy night ends.

Tags: September