
 Batting - woven or knitted material, manufactured by stitching on special machines carefully fluff natural (cotton, wool), synthetic (viscose) or mixed fibers. There are three types of batting differing thickness, composition and method of production: needle-punched, sewed and gauze. At needle batting fibers are connected by piercing needles. Holstoproshivnye produce stitch-bonding ...
 Batting - woven or knitted material, manufactured by stitching on special machines carefully fluff natural (cotton, wool), synthetic (viscose) or mixed fibers. There are three types of batting differing thickness, composition and method of production: needle-punched, sewed and gauze. At needle batting fibers are connected by piercing needles. Holstoproshivnye produce stitch-bonding method. The third type - batting, mounted on a gauze or mesh.

With the ability to store heat, environmental friendliness and low cost, batting widely demanded in various areas of textile production. It is used for thermal insulation of outer clothing, in the manufacture of upholstered furniture, work clothes, sleeping bags, etc.