Horoscope for November 2009

 In November we will have a difficult period because of the opposition of Pluto and Saturn, it will continue for the entire month. In November, many may want to change your life and even start again, change the whole habitual way of life. But even if you have a strong desire to change lives, do not try to immediately destroy everything. To get started, try to realistically assess the present life, their knowledge, skills, and what you already have and only then can you change something in your life. All hasty and abrupt changes may have a negative impact on your life, at the same time, pre-planned changes will help change lives for the better.

In personal relationships will increase the importance of intimacy and sexual component. But there is a risk that all new connections and loving relationship will be based on physical attraction. Meet with the opposite sex, tied in November, will be the beginning of a bright and passionate novels based on physical attraction. But these relationships are not long, they probably will not last more than 1-2 months. Worth the effort to make a variety of existing relationships and seek new partners.

This month is to do active sports. Many in November feel the need for increased activity, so the sport is the best suited to meet this need.


This month Aries will be active in personal relationships and the initiator of this activity will be themselves. Male rams showed unprecedented assertiveness in relationships with women, and women rams will take the initiative and will be easy to make acquaintance with liked the man.
In November, the Rams will surge of creative energy. During this period you can do to realize their creative ideas, sports and even take part in sports competitions. Exercise you can do with your children, it will help better understanding and relations in the family.
Intimacy in November will gain greater sensuality and quite possibly the reason for this will be a frank conversation with your partner about his fantasies and desires.


Taurus in November can tackle all the family problems. And even if you do not want to do this, turn the circumstances so that to avoid solving these problems you will not succeed. Therefore, instead of wasting time and energy on the resistance, take the initiative and engage decision backlog of cases and problems differently then have to be offended that you did without and did not ask your opinion. In November, a calf establish harmonious family and personal relationships, it will become possible due to the fact that in the first half of the month they will have many opportunities to discuss their problems and solve them.


 In November, the Twins will be a lot of talk. Communication can be harsh, but sincere and open. You will have the opportunity to hear the truth about everything, it will not always pleasant, but it has already taken to solve you.
This month you are coming short trip. If you are driving behind the wheel, be careful, do not rush, especially careful manifest 2, 3, 16 and 19 November. It is important to be sure to adhere to traffic rules and then problems in a way you will not have.
In November, you can effectively work, the attitude in the team will be much better than usual. And thanks to its innate charm, sympathy colleagues and subordinates you warranty.


Cancers in November showed unprecedented activity in the solution of material and financial issues, they will have the desire to increase their income and improve their financial situation. Also be tempted to spend the money, wakes passion for shopping, so
Cancers need to control yourself and to avoid excessive costs.

In November Cancers stars promise new romantic dating (especially likely in the first half of the month), tied relations will develop rapidly, giving the feeling of a happy personal life. In the existing relationship Cancers nice to add a little romance and try to hold with his half more free time.


November in Lviv will be a very active period. You manifest initiative, assertiveness, but also put you out of balance you will be very easy. In November, should work out, it will improve the health and appearance, besides, it will be possible to see the results very quickly. Also, good results will be of any activity requiring physical strength.
In November, the Lions will be able to improve relations in the family and to achieve harmony. November a good time to do landscaping your home. And all questions regarding this happen productively discuss the family in the first half of the month.


Virgos, stars promise in November many positive communication. In the first half of the month communication will be mostly friendly, and in the second half of the month communication will become more sensual, it be added flirtation and coquetry. Because of this, there may be new romantic dating, dating.
In November Virgos should avoid tasks that require considerable physical exertion, they should spend more time to rest, recuperate and energy. Virgos will benefit the change of scenery, it may be worthwhile to organize themselves active in the outdoors with a small company or better alone.


In November, Libra will have new plans, ideas and implement them Libra will be quite active. Relationships with others in the scale will become more dynamic and open, maybe even some competition, but it will do you good.
 November in Libra will be very successful in financial terms, but that in the first half of the month you need to make a financial plan, determine the approximate amount of expenses and profits. This will give an opportunity to increase your income in the second half of the month.


To achieve these goals, Scorpios need to show increased activity to achieve them. Commitment and activity and the pursuit of these goals will help achieve the desired results. This can help improve the career and reputation.
In the first half of the month in Scorpio showed keen curiosity and a desire to communicate. Also during this period should do to enhance their learning.
The second half of November is favorable to do with their appearance. You can change the hairstyle or even radically change the image. You need to carefully monitor their health, not to overeat, since there is a possibility of health problems.


In November Sagittarius need to do self-development. At this time, an increased influx of new knowledge, a desire to develop their worldview. During that period the desire to defend their ideals and beliefs, no matter what they are - religious, political or philosophical. But it can lead you to frequent disputes.

In the first half of November, enjoy a relaxation, it helps the birth of new thoughts and ideas. And in general, in the first half of November Sagittarius would be nice to relax, this will help the emergence of greater interest news of the outside world.


Location of the heavenly bodies in November, said that Capricorns can be reached warmer and open relationships with friends. In the first half of November, devoted his time to communicate with friends, spend time together. This will help to have a harmonious relationship in the second half of the month. In November, for Capricorn line between friendship and closer relationship with the opposite sex is very thin and friendships can easily go in love. In November Capricorn showed increased sexual activity, and this part of the life can be very active in November.


In November, Aquarians are most active in business and personal relationships. They may have different problems that require immediate solutions. In November, Aquarius should avoid aggression towards others, especially loved ones and takedowns business. And do not forget that your drive can be regarded by others as a sign of aggression.
In order to achieve the objectives Aquarius better to use because of its charm. It will help you to achieve your communicating with influential people.
In November, it is possible the emergence of a romantic relationship with someone from management.


Pisces in November should be paid attention in sports and physical labor. This will have a positive impact on the overall health and vitality, will help boost the immune system. At work, you should be careful, especially if the work is connected with different equipment because there is a risk of injury.
In November, the fish is to go on a trip, you can go on a trip, or just relax. At this time, Pisces are open-minded and eager to gain new knowledge. In addition, November can bring new romantic dating, it is possible that it will be foreigners.

Tags: horoscope, November