
 Corset - undergarment, which is a wide belt or bra made of thick fabric that is used to form the desired silhouette. Most often, the corset is fixed to the body by means of lacing hooks or loops. At different times there were both female and male corsets. First served mainly for utyagivaniya waist and ...
 Corset - undergarment, which is a wide belt or bra made of thick fabric that is used to form the desired silhouette. Most often, the corset is fixed to the body by means of lacing hooks or loops. At different times there were both female and male corsets. First served mainly for utyagivaniya waist and increase the splendor of the bust, and the second - to maintain a slim silhouette and beautiful posture. For stiffness in his corset sewn steel plates, baleen. The shape of this object toilet varied depending on the era - in the XIV century, he squeezed his chest and gave a figure in the XIX s-bend and formed a wasp waist. In XX century, corsets were no longer part of everyday dress. However, they periodically come into fashion - for example, in the 50s, the era of New Look. In addition, there are orthopedic corsets made of thick fabric, plaster and other materials. They are in trauma and spinal curvature.