Worry-free zone

 If you say the phrase the problem areas that most women have an association with, abdomen, thighs, buttocks because these parts of the body cause the most serious concern to the fair sex.

A set of exercises that bring to your attention it affectsproblem areasand in addition will make the exercising continuously develop and increase the load as you move toward the goal, which in turn does not allow to reduce your work to nothing because of the addiction to stress.

The general principles of the proposed program, both for beginners and for trained people. To engage in the program must be at least 2-3 times a week. The workout begins with a warm-up certainly. Warm-up includes five minutes of cardio, then to work through the muscles. Do stretching and hold each stretch for five seconds. After the workout, you can overstep directly to the training.

Herselfwork outDefinitely a difference for people trained and those who are at an early stage. Beginners should practice the following way: first to fourth week on two approaches do any three of the following exercises. Give preference in the selection of exercises so that you are most easily. To engage in the first two weeks should be no more than twice a week. The following week, it is desirable to engage in three times a week. Particular attention beginners, after the first two weeks of adaptation, drawn to the fact that it would be excellent if you vary the exercises in other words do not carry the same constant, and change them. This will prepare you for a full workout in the future.

Trained people should perform all the proposed exercises and at least three times a week. Perform three sets, a break between sets should be 45-60 seconds. Just remember that diversity works for you.

Let's start with a class press, namely exercise untitled "lateral twisting to the side."

Lie on your back foot put firmly on the floor, bend your arms at the elbows, keep the dumbbells in front of him, almost against his chest, but not to put on chest. Next, straighten slightly with one hand and drag it to the opposite knee. After return to starting position. Perform the exercise with the other arm. Weight dumbbell is different, most people will approach 1.5-2.5 kg.

Another exercise is the lateral twisting on an inclined board.

Need to sit down on an inclined board and fix the legs with a roller. hands on shoulders arms crossed. Next leans back as low as possible is almost parallel to the floor but slightly higher after returning to the starting position and deploy the shoulder to the opposite knee.

Another abdominal exercises that you can recommend very similar to the first one. Lie on the floor lower back, bend your legs at the knees put your feet on the floor. Hands on the back of the head elbows apart. Straining press lift your upper body, then Reach your left shoulder toward your right knee. Tear off the right leg off the floor a few inches. After the return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the other hand.

Exercise curl with weights - this is again related the above exercise. Lie on your back, bend your knees as well and leave feet. Take a dumbbell with both hands for the ends, get her head down to the floor. Next, lift your shoulder blades off the floor move through your head and pull the dumbbell to the knees. Return to starting position. Dumbbell weight 2.5-4 kg.

The Following vertical twisting exercise with the rope.This will require a special simulator to the upper unit which is attached a rope or neck.

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bend. Grasp the rope or the bar which should be at the level of the head. Without changing the position of the arms or legs bend forward. Burdening approximately 20-30 kg.

The following exercises are working on the buttocks.

Exercise reverse thrust on the floor.

Stand up straight taking care of your feet, they should be shoulder width apart. In the hands take dumbbells and lower them freely at your sides, palms facing inward. Tighten your abs and take a step right foot, step should be broad and done it before. Next, lift your heels off the floor and drop down into a lunge. After the movement stood up and repeat on the other side. Weight dumbbell 4-6 kg.

The Followingexercise as well designed to work through the buttocks and is called "Reverse lunge with reliance on the bench." For this exercise requires gymnastic bench, on which you will need to get up. Feet shoulder width apart, holding a dumbbell bench height 40-50 sm.opuskaete slowly right foot on the floor, bend your toes a bit. After performing the motion to return to the original position. Repeat with the other leg. Weight dumbbell 4-6 kg.

Now it's time to take you to your hips. Excellentexercise "crossover lunge forward" starting position feet shoulder width apart. In the hands of dumbbells arms down at your sides. straighten shoulders and abdomen retract thereby straining the press.

Make cross-step forward and then drop down into a lunge. Return to starting position. Do 10-12 reps on one and then the other.

Perform these exercises regularly, and the result will not be long in coming.

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