Why workout?

 Women's magazine JustLady that is warm, and the fact that it represents. Warm-up is 10 - 15 minute period of time during which the body is prepared to physical stress. Some want to get results instantly, from warm-up and are engaged in without any problems. But such carelessness leads to pain and injury as well as the exercises are not ready not only muscles but also the nervous system.

Psychologically, you have not configured to perform selected exercises, so you should talk a little bit about the importance of warm-up.

The idea is that warm up your muscles can safely stretch with greater amplitude of movement than the cold. Thus, you become more flexible and at the same time can minimize the damage that may occur by chance when an error or if you suddenly stumble.

It may be added that free and flexible body responds faster and absorbs accidental drops and uncomfortable positions, which are not excluded during the execution of a complex exercise. In summary, it can be noted that the warm-up without causing early fatigue, prepares the body for an active training and helps prevent injury. In addition, it provides energy and makes physical training enjoyable and fun!

How does the right workout for your body?

- It helps psychologically tuned for the next load and allows you to feel the mobility of the joints;
- Increases the heart rate (HR) and blood flow to the muscles, that is, prepares the cardiovascular and muscular systems to training;
- Generates heat in muscle tissues and articulated, which makes them more flexible and resistant to damage.

So how do you warm up?

Warm-up usually includes general and special components. Total workout consists of three parts:

First includes simple stretching in place that help to feel the movement.

The second part - It exercises on different muscle groups, mostly light jogging jogging. These exercises are designed to control the growth of the heart rate during the temperature increase muscle.

Third implies static stretching, which is performed much stronger and more energetic than the initial stretch in the first part. Muscles need to warm up slowly and steadily for 15 - 30 seconds. until discomfort, but not pain.

Specialwarm-up consists of exercises related to the sport that you are going to do. For example, if you decide to run, you first need to run a mile at a leisurely pace, and then only gradually accelerate to the desired speed training regimen. In this case, the body will successively adapt to the specific exercise stress.

There is an idea thatworkout worth doing just to aerobics classes. False: warm-up is important in all sports! The concepts of general and special workout treated as running and jumping, as well as to swimming and cycling, as tennis and volleyball, as well as to weightlifting and other sports.
Well if warm-up become your habit. It's so great to feel confident in their abilities, be sure to secure, paying only a small amount of time workout!

Tags: warm-up