Water as a component of the formula fitness

 Long before our era in the sacred Indian book "Rig Veda" described the healing properties of water. Ablutions results were attributed to: health and beauty, youth and strength, freshness and clarity of mind and courage and great color.

Today, it is not necessary to prove that the exercise in the water bring excellent results and only need to select the type of training that will be enjoyed by you and your body.

Swimming - Fit this kind of training to those who have no desire to engage in a group. And give the expected results if you follow the rules, taking into account the amount of time and stress. At low levels of training are recommended, for example, classes every three days and no more. It would be enough if the novice, he will float if five minutes during an hour and between heats breaks do not exceed one minute.

It is also important technique of swimming and the alternation of styles: breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke. Such an approach helps to avoid sprains and injuries.

And for those who comes to water sports to strengthen the heart muscle and overall health. However, all groups of muscles during swimming lessons will not be able to pull up and willing to purchase excellent shape should pay attention to this kind of occupation as

Aqua Aerobics. Her idea was described in ancient China.
In those days, monks, martial arts training, spent a significant portion of their activities in the water, rightly considering that there are best worked through accuracy and precision strikes. Nowadays, aqua aerobics Getting used as training for athletes and is considered an effective means to prepare for the competitions and the Olympics.

Aqua-Aerobic classes are much more productive than their predecessors. Water is much denser than air and of resistance against movement it is many times the resistance at normal training. That results in more effort and contributes to the rapid burn calories and increase the load produced by muscles. In that case, if the workout tested at water temperatures above 25 degrees, the efficiency is increased and studies due to the fact that the calories go to warm the body.

Also in the water reduces the load on the spine and joints, which reduces the possibility of injury during training. And the fact that when doing aqua aerobics is burned body fat, not water, making it particularly popular among those whose goal is to always look good.

But if you have a desire to do this kind of water sports should first know what types of aqua-aerobics in a great variety and there is also necessary to choose the mood and health.

Classify this type of fitness should first classes at the "small", "medium" and "deep" water.

In that case, if the purpose of joining the pool is to strengthen the muscles of the legs and pelvis, then you more than suitable employment in "shallow" water. They are held at mean water level and suggest that rest against you feet on bottom of the pool.

"Average" involves water level up to the chest and is recommended for those whose plans include getting rid of cellulite, weight reduction and lift the press.

While the "deep" water is suitable for those who are not the first day in the sport. Involved at this level of training all muscle groups, and to improve the results suggest special equipment: belt and flexible stick.
Above all sizes described aqua aerobics can be in terms of training and movements. So, for example, who want to relieve stress and strengthen the muscles of the legs and arms fit aqua-boxing. Those who have a desire to get rid of extra pounds in the hips, should be addressedaqua Callanetics.

Tighten your abdominal muscles can be in the classroomaqua press. Butaqua densing ideally suit those who are cheerful, energetic and does not set itself any plans, but just wants to play sports.

Akvadzhogging another kind of water exercise is different from aqua-aerobics and swimming. There was this kind of fitness due to the well-known athlete Glenn Makuoterzu that during the Vietnam War, was wounded in the leg, and subsequently could not jogging. The system of exercises with a special vest designed athlete allowed him to resume training and return to its former shape. Akvadzhogging today is a recognized way to get rid of excess weight, strengthen the cardiovascular system and the coordination of movements.

Classes are held in akvadzhoggingom "deep" water and are in exercises simulating running. During training a special vest keeps dealing afloat and does not give the feet touch the bottom of the pool.
These classes do not require special training and hit the spot krossteringa lovers.

Akvadzhogginga outs is that during class load is distributed only on the legs and does not use the upper torso.

Not recommended this type of training for those who are afraid of water. Agree, pretty hard is morally for 40 minutes in water and does not touch the bottom.

Water fitness equipment a completely new solution of water fitness.
The very name here speaks for itself. Used in such training, mostly bikes. Perfect for fans of strength training and combines the load obtained at the gym with all the benefits conferred by water. In addition to all these exercises do not need an individual coach and eliminate possible injury in the gym.

The latest and most gambling view water workouts can be calledWater Polo.
Training games in this sport only gain in popularity and offers sports clubs of Moscow.

Such exercises contribute to the loss of excess weight, strengthen muscles and mood elevation. However, it is not prepared physically or those with weight is very large, this game will not work.

Water polo is a sport more than training to improve the forms and, therefore, attracts those who like to spend life in motion and everything to seek innovative approaches.

Author: Alice Romanova

Tags: fitness formula