Train on a cycle

 Whether to change the schedule of exercises depending on the day of the menstrual cycle? Is it possible to train during the critical days? Answers to questions readers coach Anna V. Yakovlev.

"I recently go to the gym. Please tell me whether or not to change the training schedule before menstruation and during it? » Elena Gordeeva, St. Petersburg

Should immediately discuss the problem of training and your health. If you feel perfectly healthy woman, you do not have contraindications to exercise, so there's no gynecological diseases, you can not change anything in his regime. It is necessary unless a slightly lower intensity exercise: the number of repetitions, the time of the exercise.

If you are healthy, but your body is weak, in principle, easy to colds, not very good makes great exercise, you'd better change the type of exercise. I would advise in the critical days of weight training and leave to go to pilates, tai chi or yoga.

The only important thing to remember is that during menstruation is not necessary to perform inverted poses. The fact that the energy distribution of the critical days in the organism goes down. If you do inverted posture - the energy balance can be broken. Also it is better to abandon the sharp jumps, lifting weights, heavy weight training.

Finally, women who have problems in the field of gynecology, at the time of menstruation load should be excluded. If you really pulls in the gym, then talk to your gynecologist. The doctor will tell you what the load fit with your problem.

 "I heard that some of the exercises can relieve premenstrual syndrome and during menstruation itself. Is this true? » Katerina Leonidova, Tver

It's true. But again refers to women's health, which both before and during menstruation there is a desire to deal with. Here you need to trust your intuition and well-being. If you feel that you can be engaged, is engaged.

Premenstrual syndrome is usually manifested by irritability, sometimes mild cramps in the abdomen. Get rid of these symptoms by using the training system Pilates.

During menstruation pain itself can be removed by lifting the legs to the wall. But you can not throw back their head. You can do light, not intensive and without worsening abdominal exercises. This may, of course, change profuse bleeding, but pain will disappear. Separate tip for lovers of strength training - reduces the load. Critical days will be easier if you reduce the weight of dumbbells or completely give up weight lifting.

In general, regular classes in the hall, regardless of the type of exercise, "restoring order" in the women's field. Slightly shortened bleeding time - on average it lasts for three days instead of the "standard" four or five facilitated PMS. The most optimal training schedule - every three days. This is due to the fact that the muscular recovery period is 48 hours.

 "Is it true that before menstruation body consumes fat stores faster and it makes sense to train more in kardiozale? » Svetlana Ilina, Kaluga

It's true effectiveness of training cardio is quite high just at the end of the second half of the cycle. But do not get too carried away sessions. Overload in the gym, you run the risk of literally laid up during menstruation.

If the body is not very strong, that at this time is to eliminate stretching the lower and middle parts of the abdominals. Otherwise there is a risk to strengthen abdominal pain typical of critical days. But this is very useful to add a training period of lower back massage. It will help reduce the usual discomfort.

And another tip for the ladies who watch their weight and look at the balance after each workout. In the second half of the cycle, especially just before menstruation, you will notice that little gained weight. This is true even for those who all this time has been active in kardiozale. It is not necessary to scold yourself and enhance the load. The fact that certain hormones that are produced in this period, water was detained in the body. She and "poured" into extra pounds.

 "I have been training for over a year. The most "peak" of training, especially when it would be desirable activities, I have comes from the end of menstruation until about mid-cycle. Say a power surge - is the norm? » Galina Semenkova, Tula

Indeed, women report increased activity during this period. Usually it takes about 10 days. The energy burst occurs for physiological reasons. Gradually increases estrogen levels, there is no any discomfort and want a lot and actively engaged.

Use this time of grace with properly. Once you have marked a feature of his body, then move to this stage all the intense, active power and excessive exercise. You'll be pleased to submit the planned summit.

Abdominal exercises with weighting, wrestling, training on simulators, working with dumbbells - all you will be given easily and successfully. Also, you can safely drink any drinks during training, without limiting their number and not thinking that linger in the body fluid.

 "I plan to birth a baby and clearly look after their ovulation. It turns out that at the time of ovulation I fall training. There are not strong cramping in the lower abdomen. Say, maybe not worth doing at this time or to somehow redistribute the load? » Julia Eremina, Vologda

During ovulation, women may actually experience light cramping. It is not associated with exercise. But if you're worried about it, better still revise your schedule. Thus, during ovulation, which should occur in the middle of the cycle the estrogen level reaches its maximum.

The arena and out the male hormone testosterone. It increases endurance and strength qualities. Therefore, the majority of women in this period actively and happily perform strength exercises and very happy with the result. They increase the load and intensity of the feeling of vivacity and energy supply.

But there is a category of the ladies, who this time causes deterioration of health. If you really are not very comfortable in these 3-5 days, it is not necessary to perform such tiring exercise. It is better to reduce the load and alternate it with a relaxing massage, or pilates, aerobics balls and dances.

If you are planning a child, first of all consult a gynecologist. If you have any problems, be sure to notify your coach. This will help him to make true your program.

Tags: cycle