State fitness

 A surprising number: State suddenly decided posobit development of the fitness industry in Russia, although the last 18 years almost no interest in this market.

Most foreign experts are surprised that in Russia to this day fitness centers and the average economy class actually does not exist (in the Western sense of our "business" and "economy" - all the same elite criterion prices). It seems that this problem quite unexpectedly took to solve the state. However, so far only locally - in Moscow, of course. By 2009, we are promised an appearance in the capital of 25 new fitness centers (FOC), accessible to all and sundry.

We will not speculate on what such an amazing because a miracle happened, as the state order in the sphere of fitness, but the facts are preliminary. Construction of new complexes in almost all districts of the capital will be carried out within the framework of urban development programs of physical culture and sports, which is aimed at improving the lives of Muscovites. State customer is the Moscow Department of Economic Policy and Development. The general contractor is not yet known (by the selection of applications on the basis of open competition April 3 determined contestants, then wait two more stages - Consideration and adoption of the April 10 decision based on the percentage decrease in the initial contract price prior to the approval of construction documents Mosgosekspertizy).

We can say, as soon as the general contractor will be determined, so once a fairy tale and will start to turn into profits. And waiting for us all - current and future visitors (some fitness enthusiasts will be added, thanks to new FOKam) - 25 brand new complexes with raspahnutymiuzhe literally 2 godadveryami. Only one problem: not all of them are equally good. The phrase "Complexes are not typical" means that the residents here Rasskazovskaya streets lucky - their Foca is a swimming pool with five lanes 25h14m, but citizens from the street Kravchenko pool "does not shine" as "no chance" no such FOKam in Moscow rink with artificial turf, as will be complex in Zelenograd. In general, not everyone will be given to the needs of ... The total of all future systems - a built-up area (about 1000sq.m.), Building materials (prefabricated construction) and height (no more than 13-15 meters) that is small consolation for Fitness fans.

But that's what it cost in advance praise future centers, so it's a special attention to people with disabilities and people with limited mobility. In the shower room and WC new FLC will remove thresholds for the disabled is a separate fully equipped bathroom. At the entrance to the building will be a ramp in the complexes equipped with swimming pools, will be a special lift to exit the water. There are also preparatory classes with an instructor for the disabled who decide to go for a swim.

Also promises to "non-commercial" rates in the future complex and extensive system of discounts (5% of the students, students - 10%, pensioners - up to 50% when buying a season ticket - 30-40%). On the one hand, it would be great to once, to taste economic fitness. On the other hand, bitter experience tells me that cheap good does not happen. Wait and see if the two years did not happen as usual for state orders to force majeure or even oblivion.