Fitness and laughter - brothers forever

 Often laughing man, according to recent research scientists, not to be "ball" - a cheerful cackle (well, there's one - giggling, leaping hiccupping, hysterical laughter) for 15 minutes a day burns more than 2 pounds of fat per year.  

The amount of energy it takes to laugh while watching a comedy, comparable to the energy cost of the kilometer walk, in a hurry to report to specialists from the United States. Of course, Americans are willing to comfort myself, even a little, but the reasons for them not to trust still not: researchers from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, conducted an experiment with men and women aged 18 to 34 years, giving them one by one to watch programs about nature and comic sketches. The result was not long in coming: 10-20% more energy spent while watching funny programs that demonstrate various sensors (so that the circulatory activity increased on average by 22%, and the stress was reduced by 35%).

Someone asks - and is there a fitness? Once the laughter, based on the news, can easily replace training in the halls? But GetFit not be GetFit'om if not offered its exclusive view of the topic of laughter in the fitness indust. Cardio theaters all fitness centers should show only comedy (of course, it is fraught with Padania customers with bikes in the process of bending with laughter, but eventually all get used)! And one treadmill must be specifically allocated to a stuntman in a bear suit, perform tricks that you see on the screen to raise a laugh, the tone of the other students. A group programs should be carried out interspersed with anecdotes and comic scenes in the spirit of Chaplin (instructors will have to learn some acting skills, but this is - for a good cause!). Just imagine how much time will increase the effectiveness of training. Fitness and laughing together forever. How do you like the idea? :-)

Tags: laughter