12 ways to make fitness fun

 A visit to the gym is not causing your former enthusiasm? Training turned into a boring routine? Tired of fitness and thinking about how to end the occupation? Of course, no one requires you to "passionate love" for the sport, but little pleasure to do what inspires you disgust. As you know, dedication process significantly improves the result, so we decided to offer you 12 ways to revive interest in fitness, learn to enjoy the process and achieve outstanding results.

1. Sign up for the group. - Sport fitness alone quickly bored. Some days you do half-heartedly, in others - do not do, and relax in the bar with juice. In the group there is enthusiasm competition, interest communicate with the instructor and other participants, diversity, appropriate music, and most importantly - a mirror that supports your motivation and make it possible to immediately see the results.

2. Invite partner. - The likelihood of continuing training for a long period, those involved in the company's fitness friend or acquaintance, is almost 90%. Choose a partner, level of fitness which approximately corresponds to your (or slightly exceed). Promised each other not to miss classes or even made a bet who will reach the best results. Thus, you will be responsible to each other, become strictly follow the progress of your partner, do not let him sleep training, will engage in a little more intense than in self-employment. Do not look for fitness partners will among distant acquaintances. Best partners - spouses.

3. Enroll in a training center for beginners. - Craze for training centers for newcomers we have to Oprah Winfrey. Such centers can be found in almost any - even the most remote town - the town of the United States. Classes in such centers usually begin early in the morning and held five days a week for 4 - 8 weeks. During the period of intensive training followed by a two-week "vacation". This mode allows you to exercise for a long time to lose weight and create a new body you've always dreamed of.

4. Use a library card. - How can you lose weight with a library card? Very simple! In libraries, sometimes you can find whole shelves of aerobics videos, access to which you can get for free at any time. Every week you can take a new cassette and choose among multiple formats and techniques of training (and instructors). These classes do not require little or no equipment like treadmills.

5. Keep track of time. - Have you ever seen people at the gym who supposedly settled there? Their jaw muscles move more strongly than any other muscle in the body - because it does not close his mouth for a minute. Know that these people will never reach the desired result. Do not talk - and you can reduce the training time to 25 minutes (this is enough). Time and intensity of training - is inversely proportional. If you train intensely and spread to the full, it is not necessary to carry out in the gym for an hour. If at your disposal just 25 minutes, apply a little more effort than usual, and achieve good results, even in such a short time. Did you knock out power, but the realization that with the sweat out excess calories should inspire you to further exploits. A refreshing shower will get you quickly bounce back and regain strength.

6. conditionally divided the body into sections. - If you normally exercise on strengthening all the muscles, try to focus on a single muscle group. This will improve the effectiveness of training and help disrupt the established routine. For example, on Monday, strengthen the upper body, on Tuesday - the lower legs, and on Wednesday - the abdominal muscles and lower back. Take a break and repeat the cycle again.

7. Change the classroom. - Renewed interest in the gym will help change the usual time training. If you normally do in the morning, try to move the workout in the afternoon or evening. At this time, you can feel a new surge of energy, in addition, evening workouts help to relieve the stress accumulated during the day and reinforce healthy night's sleep.

8. Play with your children. - Take part in children's games. If kids are going to play a team game, not too lazy to go with them on the field and perform training exercises. Feel free to ride a bike and skateboard, play frisbee, go camping overnight, run in the nearby park, or join a section of martial arts or self-defense. The time you spend with the children - is priceless; common interests, not only you will continue to communicate, but will make you a real role model and a role model for the younger child. Do not be surprised when you hear that in conversations with friends, your son or daughter calls you "amusing"!

9. Wear comfortable clothes. - You never know when the opportunity to do sports, for example, run a bit, so you should wear clothing that does not hinder movement. If you feel a surge of energy or have the time, do not sit around - take a walk in a nearby park, or run through the streets. Try to wear sneakers with him.

10. Divide the training on three sets of 10 minutes. - Exercises to strengthen the heart muscle can be carried out in three sets of ten minutes each. On the effectiveness of such "training" is not inferior to a full 30-minute workout, but you can find those 10 minutes when you are comfortable. Furthermore, such a 10-minute fitness breaks during the day to help maintain clarity and improve metabolism.

11. Leave your comfort zone. - Is there a lesson that you've always wanted to try but never resolved, and remained a spectator? It's time to leave the spectator stands and become an active participant. Perhaps you'll find your favorite activity that will change your life, and thanks to you once again feel like a child. From ballroom dancing to kickboxing, from mountain climbing to swimming - the choice is truly unlimited, it would wish.

12. Use the services of a professional trainer. - Previously, services of a professional coach were available only the rich and famous, but now this luxury can afford anyone. Even a workout with a trainer per month will help you comply with the chosen course, give you strength for further achievements, will assess the results and set new goals. After a few months, you'll look like a Hollywood movie star. Do not forget that health is priceless.

Even if you have never been a fitness enthusiast, you can find ways to make the sport exciting, according to your work schedule and interests. Do not forget to reward their achievements various prizes. For example, when you overcome a particular stage - pass 100 miles or 20 finish training in the past month - treat yourself to some gift that is sure to delight. Oh, and remember that a positive attitude always helps to improve the result.

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