Stylish housewife. Fashion at home

 In the end of a busy week we want to finally devote herself to the care of the home and households, only a couple of days reincarnated from a business lady in lovely housewife. Replacing strict office suit on old faded robe, we are torn between the washing, cooking, darning her husband's socks and twisting jars with cucumbers. Quite an original way to relax at the weekend, is not it?

In fact, the fate of housewives may not be so miserable - the question is how to treat this home incarnation. Chores around the house does not require the sacrifice of its appeal - many of us believe the opposite and profoundly mistaken. Think unlikely your mate nice to contemplate you strutted in cucumber mask, sweat pants with sagging knees and a T-shirt three sizes more than necessary. Is not necessarily voluntarily become a slave Izaura and live by the principle: "I am beautiful and seductive only from Monday to Friday, and on weekends - down make-up and long live the curlers! , "Look stylish, and attractive home is much simpler than in everyday life, the main thing - to relax, and not to do indulgences themselves loved.

Rule №1.

It is not necessary to refer in the home dressing room old, faded, or darned things are ashamed to wear on the street, but it is a pity to throw away. To not have to apologize for his slovenly appearance before unexpectedly appeared guests bother to pick up the house comfortable and feminine clothes. You can, for example, get dressed in the latest fashion - in a light top and leggings that will not hamper your movements and at the same time emphasize the shape.

Another option - Lightweight pants made of soft materials - cotton jersey or not very dark tones. Resolutely refuse tight jeans and shapeless sweatpants: practical like they are, your home is not an athletic field, and you are not strict fizruk and friendly hostess. If you absolutely want to loose clothing, choose shorts - they can be and to petition the house, and greet guests and walk to the grocery store.

Home odezhdaTraditsionny female home dress - dress-coat - of fashion does not go out. Convenient clasp (zippers, buttons or smell), soft-touch material (knitwear, cotton, linen, velvet), free style make it an ideal uniform for housekeeping. To add a feminine dress, choose the model of short-cut silhouette and short sleeves or no sleeves at all; optimal length - knee or just below. Dress-coat can be decorated with original details - complex collar, non-standard line, flirty ruffles or cut.

Attractive and stylish, you can look in the usual robe. This versatile clothing for the house in summer thin cotton robe will allow the body to breathe freely, and in the chilly autumn or winter evening or soft flannel bathrobe, conversely, cozy warm. Gown should also be of medium length and with a comfortable loose-fitting clasp. Welcome large patch pockets and every decoration in the form of buttons or frills. And remember: dress and gown should fit you in size, and not hang formless cover, "gathering" in the folds on the back and the waist.

Home odezhdaPravilo №2.

Home clothes should be simple, comfortable and practical. So you should not go to extremes and dress up in silk with sequins, then to be afraid to dirty their suds. Better to prefer natural light pastel fabrics - beige, pale pink, light green, blue (but at the same time not very name). From heavy dark colors (dark brown, dark purple, black) should be abandoned: they provide us a powerful psychological pressure that weekend quite inappropriately. Harmonious look at home unobtrusive colors - small cell, strip, peas, geometric shapes.

One of the most convenient and practical models of home wear - pajamas, "cool" silk summer and winter flannelette or knitting. However, the trouble with the housework pajamas is hardly suitable, so getting up in the morning, be not too lazy to change, or even throw her gown (by the way, pajamas and a bathrobe can make an interesting package). In any case, the pajamas, despite her "costume" form, should be treated in the same way as a nightgown she must remain clean and fresh.

Rule №3.

Forget about the house corporate fashion and business etiquette, required to wear a strict suit stockings or tights. Give your body a chance to rest from synthetics and refrain from nylon and Lycra. If you can not go barefoot, wear thin cotton socks on loosely gum - they will not interfere with blood circulation and cause edema.

Tags: fashion